Jul 5·edited Jul 5Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

Farage's Reform took a fifth seat following a recount (overturning the Labour winner by 100 votes). I don't know what happened, there, but that's REALLY strange; if the gap was 100, did someone bury the needed ballots? I'm used to recounts arguing over a valid paper here and there when the margin is tight, but that's a hell of a lot. Anyway, five reforms.

More importantly, they came second in ~105 seats, about 90% of which are Labour - and many of those Labour MPs have very small majorities - very vulnerable, in other words, to a Reform push in 2029. Given Starmers right wing tendencies, he'll likely do something stupid, like trying to out-Farage Farage, which will only alienate even more party members into waking the F up, and getting out.

I'd also expect Reform to win a few Tory switchers in the next 5 years, and a couple of by-elections, especially if the Tories elect a 'moderate'.

Four or five Gaza candidates won this time (though you'd barely know it from the MSM coverage), and a few came very close to winning by a few hundred votes; a more organised campaign would certainly have taken out the invertebrate Wes Streeting and the Crass has Jess Philips; the Greens four seats were surgical, targeted campaigns at those seats, and they are keyed up as second place challengers a few dozen seats. Muslim voters are fleeing the Zionist Starmer in droves.

Given Labour's pathetic votes and % (both lower than 2019 in England!) they are very vulnerable now to catastrophic collapse come 2029 if they fail, as they surely will. It couldn't happen to a nastier bucket of scabs.

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Agreed - 'nasty bucket of scabs'

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Jul 6Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

I've been saying the same, labour got only 33.8% of the vote, back in 2019 under Corbyn they got 40% even though they lost. Our despicable globalist MSM erroneously shout out that it was a land slide, whilst ignoring the fact as you state Reform came second in 105 seats, which is more than I had thought it was at 96., thanks for the update.

But this highlights that Reform is Labours real threat. Now with Farage's team of five "The Avengers" he will be bringing Common Sence back into the debate in parliament, ensuring that difficult & unpopular questions will be asked. Definitely going to liven things up I'm sure you would agree on that.

Just wait after five years of Labour mismanagement which is guaranteed as sure as night follows day, this might just be the trigger to ignite & awaken the people of Britain including the apolitical to unite against the Labour party as by then after five years a dystopian Totalitarianism, all in accordance with the WEF agenda 2030. Complete with all the planned online censorship & attacks on free speech which they will implement. No doubt more hate laws against the British people. Reform will be a serious contender to win an election with Farage as PM.

“Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.”

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

Slight correction: Corbyn got 40% in 2017, and 32.1% in 2019, very close to what Starmer got this time. However, in England alone, Corbyn actually won MORE than Starmer on the 2019 numbers! Which, after the last five years, is an utter indictment of Starmerism.

A new analysis has shown that Farage was only 350K votes away from replacing the tories as opposition! Farage will be pulling his hair out at that one. But he's dead set now on killing the Tories. He's not my cup of tea, but it sure is interesting watching him in action.

Expect Starmer to over-react, he's already said racist things against Bangladeshis, not smart for a party that needs Muslim votes.

He'll likely try to pander to Farage voters, and in return piss off yet another wave of Labour defections. I wonder what it'll take for the Old Labour types to realise that the party is run by NuLab quislings, and GTFO. Starmer really is a bad politician, like Biden's dementia, it's been masked by obsequious media coverage. When that dam breaks it'll be a spectacle.

This time, contra Mandelson's rubbish about "They have nowhere else to go", they do. Five indie Gaza candidates, four Greens, have proven that a vote for a non-major party candidate is not wasted.

If (as I suspect) Labour is wiped out in 2029, it'll be a joy to watch; shame it's a five year grind to get there though.

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Jul 6Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

According to Richard Seymore in New Left Review in the UK General Election ....'Labour won 64% of the seats with 34% of the vote, the smallest ever vote share for a party taking office. Turnout, estimated at 59%, was at its lowest since 2001 (and before that, 1885). When a soggy Sunak finally pulled the plug on his flagging, flag-bedraggled government at the end of May, every poll showed Labour with a double-digit lead, at over 40%. Sunak’s litany of unforced errors, as well as the massive funding gap between Labour and the Conservatives and the queue of businessmen and Murdoch newspapers endorsing Labour, ought to have helped keep it that way. Instead, Labour’s total number of votes fell to 9.7 million, down from 10.3 million in 2019.' Nobody trusts Starmer - he leads the UK 'B' team of neo-liberals/conservatives..Another great report Rob

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Thanks for that: didn't realise the turnout was so low. But this is what happens when people begin to appreciate that voting makes no difference because there's no difference between the parties.

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Jul 5Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

Thanks for another detailed overview. I suspect most people dont realise how difficult it is to convey thoughts into writing with the added complexity of attachments and added material. I look forward to reading in detail which im I'm still at the stage of reeling from the state of politics in the UK. Starmer offers nothing but the alternative offered less. I find it intriguing that the Pictish heartlands are holding out.

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Jul 6Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

As regards the Scottish and Welsh voters i can only say for certain in Scotland a lot of independence voters wanted to teach the SNP a lesson for their abject failure to advance independence despite at least 50 percent being in favour of secession from the UK. Rumours abound that the party has been infiltrated at the very least by careerists who have no interest in independence. Job done thats most of them gone. If they don't heed the warning they will be emasculated in the Scottish election. Most of us realised that in any event independence won't be achieved by the number of MPs and attendance at Westminster just promulgates the very structure you want to secede from. It looks increasingly likely that Northern Ireland will leave before Scotland now. The one disappointing aspect was that cosy slippers Pete Wishart kept his seat.

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Nicola Sturgeon didn't help but I think many voters are teaching their leaders a lesson and Labour benefited in Scotland. However, Labour had fewer votes than they did under Corbyn - and benefited from the Tory collapse. Alexander Mercouris believes that Farage has made a huge breakthrough with Reform which will grow as Tory MPs abandon a sinking ship. Interesting times.

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There are probably some people out there who still believe Nicola has/had a "plan". It was frightening to see how many sane intelligent people believed that nonsense.

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Jul 6Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

Nice update Rob.

Another seemingly quiet week, yet with so many global issues elections etc. running in the background.

I like the Iranian threats of intervention if the Zionists go for Hezbollah.

I also read an interesting article last week on how the UK has been non stop sending flights of equipment to anti Hezbollah Lebanese army forces in the North.

UA materiel and army losses seem ever growing and that is reflected in the seemingly now unstoppable RF attrition warfare.

As you say Zelensky is 'publicly' still holding out for his nato cavalry and F16s to arrive.

But the small chance of that happening (if ever there was a chance) are increasingly dissipating.

His controllers know this and now the penny seems to be dropping with the bedazed Ukrainian troops at the front and the population itself.

They are finally becoming aware of how they are in the middle being played by globalist forces on one side and the Banderists on the other.

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Jul 5Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

The big thing here in Germany ist Orbans visit to Putin. Politicians and Media in the EU are hyperventilating about it. How can this guy dare to talk with the personified evil about peace!

But the most commenters in the newspapers ask: Why not? Talking ist better than shooting. Some remind of German politicians like Willy Brandt and Genscher who made real diplomacy.

But as we have here Baerbock as our Chief Diplomat, some Hungarian guy must try to find out If peace is possible.

You can find an interview with Orban at Weltwoche YouTube Channel about what his intentions are.

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Yes - as far as they are concerned Orban is going rogue

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Im still trying to work out why Scholz did a complete turnaround and is now supporting Ukraine. I was checking Der Speigel but that magazine has moved to the right. As i understood it he investigated corruption in Ukraine before the war and wasn't for supporting Ukraine but has completed changed course by 180 degrees or as Annaliese would say 360 degrees. The German politicians 'position is strange. The Russians like Germany. One of Putin's daughters is German, Putin likes Germany and East Germans support Russia over Ukraine. Seems that the US is still in control. Did they ever return Germany's gold reserves?

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Jul 5Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

Thank you so much for all you do.

I read that Starmer was re-elected with a vastly reduced personal majority, and that the proportion of people voting for the right wind Labour was less than those that voted for a moderate left-wing Corbyn. It seems that the far right Tories will join with the extreme right wing Farage group sometime soon. The Lib-Dems got the most seats for over 100 years - well done to them. I hope Northern Ireland rejoins the rest of Ireland soon.

Consciousness of Sheep [Killing St. George 2024-05-18] gives a good overview of how the elites in Britain prospered while the poor suffered so the bank and elite could get wealthier. It also talks about the British Governments deceit in Europe and the world. This policy will continue on with Starmer, who has by, all accounts, a major financial stake in Israel and was elected with lots of money coming from Israel. Britain should sell off its aircraft carriers - they only seem worth scrap as they rarely sail out of port without breaking down. Just imagine how the billion of pounds could have been used to help those in poverty instead of glory projects to convince Britons that they are actually a force for good in the world. I also read that they don't have any, or many, planes or crew for them to be effective.

Thank you for everything.

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Cheers for that

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I found this informative on this subject: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8l6sw0KqkP8

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I didn't know that about Corbyn. I would have liked Corbyn as PM he would have restored some trust in the UK but he was excoriated for the fact that he wasn't an establishment place man. A few labour friends of mine think that this is comparable to 1997 but i wouldn't trust a labour leader who denies he was named after Keir Hardie. Even if he isn't...why deny? I find it slightly troubling that when asked if he will be working Friday's his reaction is that the question has antisemitic undertones. On a different note: a Great White was seen off the Galway Coast. I was right they are moving North.

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