"Donald the Statesman" - while threatening to impose 100% tariffs on the entire world. LOL That's a joke, which fits the circus the US elections are. When two absolute morons are the only candidates for President, stick a fork in the US - it's done. The only remaining question is whether it ends in a nuclear holocaust or collapses in an internal holocaust. Take your pick. It's over.

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I'm hoping for a whimper rather than a bang, but who knows?

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Sep 14Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

Love the new features/topics. Always look forward to the weekly update.

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Sep 14Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

Another great update Rob, I don't know how you manage it as there are so many disparate events happening. You draw a lot of the threads together. Thanks

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Sep 14·edited Sep 15Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

Thanks for the great roundup Rob.

The RF counter offensive on the West of the UA salient into the Kursk region looks to be going well and hopefully will push the conflict closer to its conclusion.

Perhaps this story https://charter97.org/en/news/2024/9/9/610032/ on charter 97 was a little presumptuous.

(the charter 97 propaganda site is anti Lukashenko and refers to the supposed 97% of Belarussians that do not like him)

Apparently the UA has been ordered not to repatriate dead soldiers lost in the Kursk direction .

To avoid paying benefits? and as you say Ukraine may not even have enough money to pay the army this month..

What a mess the nationalists have made of their country.

Overnight, the West seems, so far, to have heeded the Russian red lines so that could be another positive..

Z seems furious about the refusal to allow long range strikes on women and children so I wonder what Ukraine will plan next.

onto next week and lets see what happens.

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Cheers for that. It's going to be an interesting week.

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Sep 13Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

20 years before the founding of Israel the Soviets set up a Jewish Autonomous Oblast. Still there and the settlers live in peace with their neighbours.

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Left to their own devices, autonomous people would seek to live in harmony with their neighbours. Disharmony arises out of a struggle for resources but some of the the world's countries have now realised that there is no longer a need for this struggle. Others, cannot give up the old ways.

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Sep 13Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

Oops should have been 1945

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Sep 13Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

Thank you so much for all your work.

Putin's comment that if NATO supplies the weapons, gathers information on targets and directs the weapons, and trains the personnel [or is even people pulling the trigger] then it is a NATO operation in all but name - that little bit of wriggle room for deniability. I read some time ago that US forces came to Britain in 1942 and later as allies, but since 1954 they have been occupiers. This was probably welcomed by many elites who's families had benefited from wealthy American heiresses and their money - such as Winston Churchill who mentioned this in his address to the joint Houses of Congress

I guess Shultz has realized that he needs Russian gas to stop the further decline of Germany. Britain would very quickly return to the stone age as half its food calories are imported, something like 20% of electricity comes from Europe, and the government is shutting down the last steel works that can produce the high quality steel needed to make weapons. We live in worrying times. Take care and be nice to people.

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Thanks Bill. Much of Europe has been under the US jackboot for years but I didn't realise it until recently. I think that Europe is beginning to appreciate that its can't prosper without Russian energy and in the long run it will ditch the US in favour of good relations with Russia. I'll try to be nice to people.

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Sep 13Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

Is Russia a place to migrate to?

Pepe Escobar tweeted this very favorable article about Russia. Reading Karl Sanchez's substack, I have been impressed with the statesmanship, educational system, culture and many other things in Russia so I was not surprised by this substack. Here in the US, most would think this article is total propaganda. I don't think so.

"Russia beats out other countries one could migrate to - my reasons.

Russia's human capital makes it a no-brainer (for me).

Charles Bausman Sep 12, 2024 "


"What I found interesting in the conversations is that very few people considered, or had much inkling of the subject of this article - the level of culture, learning, IQ, raw brainpower, professional competence, and crucially, their history. So much else which makes a country a smart choice to move to derives from this - economic prospects, health of the environment - food, water, air, etc., personal relationships, military strength, educational opportunities and their quality, cultural amenities, quality of housing and infrastructure, etc.

Once you’ve been in contact with many cultures and peoples you can evaluate them comparatively. There are in fact very few countries, languages and civilizations which really count as heavy hitters in science, literature, theology, arts, culture, etc. I would list them as follows: English speaking world (in which I include India/Pakistan), German world, Russian world, China, ASEAN, the Arab world, Japan, and Iran. These are the civilizational poles with far greater intellectual heft today, not because smaller countries aren’t often very admirable. It often just comes down to accidents of history, geography, race, population, resource wealth, and peculiarities of culture. Within these 8, there are 4 titans: the English speaking world, German world, Russian world, and China. France, Spain, and Italy are still very important, but more for what was than what is today."

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Thanks for that. I've seen lots of stuff from Russian bloggers, journalists, commentators etc. praising Russia and showing how clean and orderly cities such as Moscow and St. Petersburg are. If I were 20 years younger and Putin would have me, I would go. The West, but especially the UK, has declined dramatically and in lots of ways.

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