It will be a difficult decision for him. He has saved Russia - or, as he may see it: he has 'almost' saved Russia. Will he stay on to make sure or does he trust someone else to take over and finish the job for him. I think it depends on how much confidence he has in possible successors - and there are some who could take over the reins, maybe. I am not in a position to judge really.

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Excellent. Thank you.

I'd like to see general understanding of the difference between national govts and their doings and the people of those nations.

What I mean by that is that 'America the people' is not set upon breaking up Russia.

I even doubt that 'America the govt' is: feeling politicians and their policies to be ephemeral.

But ruling manipulative cliques - they are set upon breaking up Russia and have been for decades and will be for decades into the future. I can readily believe that.

Perpetual thieves perpetually eyeing a potential gold mine.

While the narrative is always about the vague term 'the nation' we never get anywhere.

When the narrative shifts to take aim at the government we still don't get far: swap governments for another one just as inept and corrupt.

When the narrative shifts to blame the people: 'must work harder' etc we still get nowhere.

So isn't it time to find and expose these people and keep a watchful eye on them?

Today they are surely more vulnerable than ever before?

Where is their privacy in the electronic age of internet and digital everything?

A rich man of old with rooms full of bullion could protect it with soldiers.

What rich man can protect his wealth stored in digital records in a computer today?

It can surely be revealed to the world by a lowly computer hacker ( or a 'high' computer hacker ).

Let's root them out and have the world revealed and discussed as it really is.

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Thanks Arthur. Good to hear from you. Yes I agree. People don't make wars; states do. I'm all for rooting them out and hope we can do it in our lifetimes.

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But ruling manipulative cliques - they are set upon breaking up Russia and have been for decades and will be for decades into the future. I can readily believe that.

Perpetual thieves perpetually eyeing a potential gold mine.

THIS^^^ Russia is a gold mine of natural resources.

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I accept what you are saying but I think the strength of the elites who control the West is in decline and that of their competitors in the emerging Multi-polar world is increasing. Of course, I don't know how things are going to work out but I am optimistic: it's good for my health.

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I place a lot of hope on the youth of today. You've seen them. Only from the back, of course, as they sit huddled before their computers, or perhaps from afar so to speak as they sit eyes down at their smartphones. Paying us and the world no mind. Concentrating on their games and their social media.

But I think they aware and biding their time or waiting the natural time to come.

They will turn their attention to these matters and in particular the 'villains' of the piece in a way never before seen in the history of humanity.

Never before possible. For the eyes and attentions of millions suddenly to scour the records and programs of the world in search of certain persons and certain activities.

With their skills capable of piercing any defence, extracting any data, computing any things.

Ubiquity. They already are physically everywhere, of course, but their cyber presence will be so 'everywhere' it will make the so called omnipresence of cctv look like sparsely populated deserts.

All our lumbering long winded specious arguments, debates, protestations, manifestations and mouthings of the past will be replaced by lighting fast production of incontrovertible documents, records, proofs of the truth.

Truth no longer that which the smoothest most convincing orator can persuade us of but that which they cause their world-wide universal computer to produce.

Dire prophesies and predictions by con artists on the one hand and loony end-of-the-worlders on the other will be replaced by logical scientific calculations on proven data and checked by other equally valid programmes.

They will bring sense to the world for they have the power to do it. We all do. With this internet an smartphones. But we are mired in our old ways. We literally are blind; unconscious of the tool in our hands.

They will not be.

There's not only all that which is all kinda 'mechanistic' - simply talk about a people using a tool. But there is a psychological aspect that goes along with it. A mindset.

There always has to be in human affairs doesn't there? Give a bunch angry half educated religious fundamentalists a bag of tools, so to speak, and what they'll do with them is not the same as what a collection of sober scientists with a goal in mind will do.

There's always a 'psychological environment', a setting.

Well they are doing something on a daily basis that the people of the world have never done before. Many things I suppose but the thing I'm thinking of the playing with reality, possibilities, facts and fictions, that they do in their games.

It is the norm for them to say 'what if'. It is the norm for them to be faced by weird realities. It is the norm for them to find illogicalities are the answers, the keys, to making progress.

It is the norm for them to be faced by lack of knowledge and apparent intractable situations and equally the norm for them to seek the requisite knowledge, to believe it is there and they can find it.

It is the norm for them to think they are individually the equal of anyone else in this respect: meeting obstacles, finding the way to navigate them.

I could go on. Couldn't I? I think enough said, though. You either get it or you don't.

I believe we are lumbering elephantine anachronisms.

I will give one example that might illuminate a little: Covid. Everything was wrong, untrue, bad. Covid was not so bad. The right treatments were not those mandated. The measures were all untherapeutic. Denying access to therapeutics was/is criminal.

And so on. Right?

Well 'we', us lumbering elephantine anachronisms, could have seized the tools of the web and put up web sites all over the place that found the truths and promulgated them.

And in that way we could have saved thousands and thousands of live.

The nearest we ever came to that was perhaps Sunetra Guptas' site which had a name so inappropriate and unrelated to 'covid' that I can never call it to mind.

[edit] 'collateralglobal'. I remembered. And it wasn't even a "dot com". It is collateralglobal.org for christ's sake. [/edit]

And a site like a coffee table glossy magazine when you got there. Devoid of any 'punch'. Etc.

And we 'elephantines' lumberingly discussing/whining how they had been deplatformed from free social media who never, ever, any single on of them, ever made any effort at all to put up their own site much less their own servers, much less sites devoted to helping the millions.

Why all that? Because they, we, knew no better.

And still don't. I would surmise.

How many of us know the cost of a domain?

How many of us know what to do next after getting a domain?

How many of us recognise the fundamental threat that use of hosting provider is?

And so on.

The greatest single facilitator, emancipator, sophisticated tool ever given to human being courtesy of their own intelligence and something way over 90% know no more about it than they do of any other 'public service' such as perhaps how the water reticulation/purification etc. system works for them.

But our children are different creatures. They are not as you and I.

Thank god.

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Hope so. :^-)

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In my business we always inventory N95 masks.

So I took the dirtiest N95 I could find and wore it wherever the Jackboots required. And me, being me, I ridiculed as many "we're all gonna die from the Covid" True Believers as I could.

Want to be an Idjit, want to follow the Pied Piper? Then you don't want to be around this mouthpiece.

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1. For your sake let's hope we're not related.

2. The so-called "Truckers" were 90% non-truckers, just fed up Canadians defying Trudeau the Lessor's Covid Dictat. I am 100% for the Trucker's position, and 100% against the WEF's new Feudalism. Never took the jab and would have burned the tyrant's army on my doorstep. I am independent and cannot be fired, but know of many who were injured from the RNA/DNA/sewer water poison.

3. The quote? Now you're back to being a Teacher checking some cheeky student. As I remember the alleged author has the same name as an old Pulp Mill town in Ontario.

4. FWIW. At around 12, I was being strapped (on my open hands) by a Teacher and when he was done and I was rushing out of the room, I said, "My mother hits harder than that." Yes. Be glad we are not related.

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But it is still possible we are related whether we would hope for it or not. John Dryden was admired by Sir Walter Scott who is very big in these parts. He (Scott) attended school in Kelso, about 4 miles from here. David Hume lived about 20 miles to the north east at Chirnside and Duns Scotus (another philosopher) lived about eight miles west of that at Duns. Rabbie Burns also dabbled in these parts. I never got the jab either, nor did I wear a bloody mask. I was worried about it initially (for a week) until I started to do some research and I could see by the small number of 'cases' that there was a massive over-reaction. I have never seen people behave so irrationally. My sister lived in London btw. Cheers.

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"Biden 39% (how on earth is he that popular)"

81 million votes, more than any other President, including Obama. While sitting in his basement.

Just remember the Mafia looks like an Honest Organization relative to the power that keeps the City State of Washington DC in control of the helpless American States.

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Cheers Kam - thanks for that. I never believed the Democrats won without cheating in 2020. Anyone who was following it closely could see that. I just thought; if Sleepy Joe is that popular, it does not reflect well on the American people does it. This shows how effective US propaganda is, perhaps. Currently, there appears to be a level of tension between the states that America has not experienced since 1861. I have been following US so called 'right wing' channels for years and these people are not extremists, they are simply conservatives. There is a little of the conservative as well as the radical in most of us, I think. But many of these people believe that Civil War is possible - because of this tension between the Federal government and the governments of states - which is what you are highlighting here.

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Ask the children to devise a voting app. And then run it.

Stop asking the monstrous govt to stop being a monstrous govt. Stop hoping and praying that the monster will stop being a monster.

Take control.

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Thank you.

1. The problem with Propaganda is in the short run there are believers and a few skeptics. In the long run the believers shrink and the skeptics increase. Eventually, nothing Government claims is believed, to include to include utterings of their many mouthpieces in MSM and Internet Monopolies.

2. DC is increasingly like Rome - completely disconnected from events on the ground, drunk on hubris and former glories. No dry ammo, figuratively and actually. Hence the chicken with it's head-cut-off actions and reactions.

3. Rather than the 2nd Civil War, the U.S. is more likely headed to, "I'll lay me down to bleed awhile, NEVER to rise again.

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We're at the skeptics increasing stage I think. There were lots more of us in the aftermath of Covid and Ukraine/Palestine will have made others suspicious of the legacy media. I agree, there are many similarities with Rome because we are witnessing the fall of an empire. Where's the quote about bleeding from?

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I could hear the drum beat of Covid long before they picked up the sticks. All the chess pieces were set on the board, and all it took was the Politicians/surreptitiously called Scientists at the WHO to label the flu a Pandemic, and the drum beat of the march over the cliff was on. It divided me from my best friend because his wife was scared out of her mind; what little was left of her mind pre-Covid.

In this country the backlash of the middle is starting, Trudeau is looking over his shoulder, as well he should. We'll see what new rats the Political Labs are brewing for the future.

The fall of the American Empire has many roots, going back many decades. They will not get the long slide out for Rome, nor the continuation of Roman Power via the Church.

Me Mammy was a Campbell and she married into a family of Irish Orangeman, arriving on these shores in the 1830's. Most of the name places near me are of Scots Origin named by the Scottish Engineers who built the railway through the Rockies and the Selkirks to Vancouver B.C.

Contrary to Revisionist Canadian History, it was the Scots and Irish who built the railway, with help from the Chinese in the section from Vancouver to Craigellachie. The life of a Scot or Irishman was no more significant than a Chinese to the British money and American managers for Canadian Pacific.

Some cheek about the quote. A gallant, defiant call for a Scot in his dying moments.

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Hey Pal - we could be related! My sister arrived on your shores in the 1970s. She's dead now, sadly. My family on my father's side is from Glasgow while my mother - who still lives at 96 - is part of a family that hails from North Wales. The wider family all came to South Wales for work in the coal mines apart from one who went to Patagonia. My mother and I were born in the same room in Abertridwr - which used to be a mining town. I followed the Trucker/Lockdown things through some Canadian YouTubers and have huge respect for the Canadians who stood firm in those trying times - they inspired the world. I had fallings out with some family and friends over Covid including a sister who now realises she was conned. I agree that there will be no second US Empire - hopefully the West, with the help of sane and competent politicians, will come to its senses and join in as equals with the emerging Multi-Polar World Order. Have you read John Glubb -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBLPDfu8XGQ or Peter Turchin - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ys1eUHPxykM&t=2171s on Empires? Good quote by the way but can you remember who uttered it?

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Hopefully he runs again and at the same time finds someone like him for the future of Russia

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