Thanks for the shout-out, Rob! Appreciated!

"Russia will ask Ukraine to become part of a political and economic union with Belarus and Russia."

I'd say it's likely to be more Russia TELLING Ukraine to become part of the CSTO. :-)

That also assumes that Russia will continue to want a separate state entity called "Ukraine". That may be probable, but I could see Russia just deciding to incorporate all of the previous entity called "Ukraine" into the Russian Federation. They might go through the motions of holding referendums in each oblast as they did the eastern oblasts, since the Russians are sticklers about legality. Ukraine was recognized as a sovereign state previously which would complicate relations with the UN based on the fact that nations aren't supposed to acquire territory by conquest any more (although Russia already has - not to mention Israel.)

But I suspect that most Ukrainians, regardless of their brainwashing, given the choice between living in a broken, economically dead "Ukraine" and being part of the Russian Federation economy and government will choose to go along with being incorporated into Russia.

In any event, based on my view that the goal of the war is for Russia to secure the far borders of Ukraine against NATO, it's fairly obvious that putting a Military District in western Ukraine is pretty much going to require Russia telling, rather than asking, Ukraine to go along with whatever arrangement Russia wants.

Since the current Ukraine government are "wanted criminals", and since Russia will have to capture and control Kiev at some point, regardless of how the Ukraine military surrenders (also at some point), it's likely that Russia will appoint an occupation government - military or civilian - in Kiev immediately after that surrender. Then they can either appoint a new civilian Ukraine government or even hold elections at some point.

Since the Ukrainian political scene is in disarray due to many parties being banned by the Zelensky regime, organizing the latter will be a challenge and take time. How many of those parties would be interested in joining the victorious Russian side out of self-interest will be interesting.

Depending on how far down the line that point occurs, the Russian Military District is likely to already be underway. All of this will likely take months well into 2025.

Just to drop a note about the Gaza situation and the Iran attack... I watched this interview with MIT Professor Theodore Postol yesterday on Colonel Daniel Davis' Deep Dive Youtube channel (recommend the channel as he has people like Colonel Macgregor on frequently). Postol explains why the Israeli Iron Dome system is total crap and probably has a 6% intercept capability, So all the US/Israeli claims of "all Iranian missiles shot down" are utter garbage. Postol is well known as a critic of the Patriot as well as the Iron Dome. Very informative interview.

Israel's Iron Dome: NOT What You Think w/MIT professor Ted Postol


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Thanks for that Richard. I watch Daniel Davis and made reference to one of his shows in this Update,

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May 10Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

Katyusha is perhaps the greatest patriotic song of all...worthy of the sacrifice the Soviets made. I'm surprised by the Ukrainian attacks during the great war celebrations. I don't know if you have ever followed the military artefact collectors on the eastern front. Many of the German and Soviet dead are basically still lying where they fell. I still disagree with the Russians taking over the whole of Ukraine. Your previous post showed an abundance of Bandera statues in the West and the Western Ukrainians hate the Russians. As i said before they have convinced themselves that the Russians were responsible for the famines and what they call the Holodomor. They'll open the border to the Poles before the Russians get there. They might even form a unified entity between Poland and Western Ukraine. The Germans mystify me with their tolerance towards their Atlanticist political elite. The political class is completely acting against the national interest and as surveys show the Germans generally speaking are well disposed towards the Russians , the Ostdeutsch in particular,, which seems counterintuitive, but is true.

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Thanks for that.

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May 12Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

The EBU said they wouldnt ban Israel from the Eurovision because they aren't political. Instead they ban Russia, a Dutch guy for arguing with the Israeli and censor the Irish entrant. It seems to me the whole world is in turmoil by pandering to the Israeli government. I don't really know enough about the Sino-Russian plans for the economic integretion with the Middle East but i can't help but feel the war in Ukraine and Gaza are all part if the same battle.

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Yes I think they are part of the same battle.

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May 11·edited May 11Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

Thanks for the update Rob. Very high quality research as standard!

Great post as well Richard!

Proceedings are at a critical juncture now the RF has initiated the attack North of Kharkov.

I still think that may be a feint.

IE 'Look up here nazis, you need to protect both fronts'

An interesting dilemma for the coke king!.

Perhaps similar to Normandy Pas De Calais illusion in WW2.

Zelensky seems destined to meet his fate soon.

Perhaps a routine car crash is being planned for him.

On Palestine-I don't know how, but Biden has somehow been instructed to come out with the ' But it's just wrong. We're not going to supply the weapons and the artillery shells' statement.

One wonders what those in the know have in store or when the next shipment will be?

The zionist line still seems as it was before' especially with that sick statement by the Israel ambassador, on enhanced Palestinian rights, to the UN audience yesterday.

'Shredding the UN charter' really grates with its blatant hypocrisy.

Out of a population of 2.5 million in Gaza 4% have been maimed and killed.

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If you would announce your weekly updates on twitter, we, many of your readers, could then retweet them so that our twitter readers would find out about it and grow your audience. So, consider using twitter to spread your message. You are raising awarness about the realities in Ukraine, which is very important as most people in the West get a distorted view of reality through biased mainstream media. Truth seekers of the world need to find you where they congegrate, mostly on twitter.

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I do announce my Update on Twitter every week. But the 'truth seekers' don't seem to be finding it.

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It may have to do with your lack of activity on Twitter as you admitted it yourselves earlier, which twitter alghorithms pick up on. Just guessing, no idea. Maybe if you put up your twitter here on your substack and make it so easier for us to retweet it. Good luck!

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Hey I could put my Twitter link on the Update - appreciated! I have no idea how all this works but you do.

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btw, you said you would use archived RT links, yet you did not. For instance, you linked the word powder with https://www.rt.com/russia/597028-russia-zelensky-god-ukrainian-chevron/ but it would be better if you linked it with https://web.archive.org/web/20240511054231/https://www.rt.com/russia/597028-russia-zelensky-god-ukrainian-chevron/ because no one in the NATO states can see the content on that link. I donno how you see it but most people can't. Consider it from your users perspective.

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Thank you Dr. Cambell for your selfless, generous work! God bless you! I hope you don't mind me inviting your readers to participate in a peace initiative for Ukraine with a solution-approach - https://peaceinitiative.substack.com/.

While many reporters do the wonderful work of raising awareness of truth-seekers, we enhance it with raising consciousness as well with our peace initiative. We have a solution, not a military solution. A solution based on the Consciousness Theorem - the level of collective consciousness determines the level of collective achievement. To end this war, we should raise the level of collective consciousness by activating and cultivating constructive (rather than destructive) modes of consciousness. We propose to start with neutrality virtue as opposed to hatred, fear, phobia, anxiety and any other flaws that most of the public is manipulated into.

We can't rely on our warmongering ruling elites to make an effort to bring peace to end the horrors in Ukraine, therefore all of us need to step up to do something about it. Since our high officials endorse only military termination of the war, this peace initiative relies not on them but on the grassroots movement, which requires the public to engage – not in protests or resistance movement but in raising consciousness and awareness. It would suffice to help out in that this non-commercial peace initiative reaches as many hands as possible and to read it open-mindedly. The power of this peace initiative lies in the power of words and the benevolent energy behind them which should impulsively trigger corresponding behavior. Anyone who reads it, even if they disagree with some or many points, their consciousness and awareness will rise to some extent, which means that their behavior and actions will also gradually change for the better. Each of us should stop being a cog in the war-machine that does not help Ukraine at all but only increases and prolongs their suffering, losses, and destructions. Russians already agreed to withdraw all their troops in March 2022 but our NATO leaders and their puppet Zelensky didn't want to end it but wanted to fight on to weaken Russia, and all of us went along under the foolish banners such as "Solidarity for Ukraine", "fight for democracy", "right to self-defense", etc. The war is going on only because we have allowed it to go on, so it is our responsibility to stop this horror, to spread the word against supporting our warmongering politicians. Our peace initiative does that, so please read it and spread it to spread the energy of peace. Thank you and God bless you all!

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May 11Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

Here's an interesting fact for your Welsh ancestry i keep meaning to mention. Donetsk was founded by a Welshman who brought hundreds of Welsh settlers with him.

Another great piece.

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Amazing - I'll tell my Mum. She's always looking for Welsh connections.

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May 10Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

Thank you for the work you have done.

I would think that one way the Russians can reward Western Europe for their complicity in the Ukrainian fiasco is to make sure that all the Western Ukrainians who are absolute anti Russia [Nazi?] are driven out and into the EU and that region is left depopulated, without power and a demilitarized zone or buffer against NATO.

I would think if Ukraine used weapons that they designed and built against Russia, although I would not like it, it would be accepted. If however, Western weapons are used by either western military or western trained Ukrainians, that is a direct attack by western forces against Russia, so Russia can legitimately strike against those countries - frightens the life out of me though!

If the ICC does not bring charges against those responsible for the holocaust/genocide in Gaza, it is a pointless organization. This is what the US wants as many presidents and/or ex-presidents should have already been charged as they are guilty of war crimes.

Britain and France want to return to the power and the glory they think they had in the past when the wealthy could exploit the poor population who worked long hours for little pay in the mines, mills and fields and the colonies where poor Europeans worked the native populations as if they were serfs or, in many cases, slaves.

I have heard that China is as quickly as possible changing US dollars/treasuries for gold. I have also heard possibly a rumour that the USA has told Saudi Arabia that if the Saudis cash in their treasuries, the US will take it as an act of war, but it threat may also be just lies, damned lies or statistics.

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Thanks for that. I am hoping that eventually the emerging-Multi polar world order will create new institutions to replace US puppets like to ICC.

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Katyusha is perhaps the greatest patriotic song of all...worthy of the sacrifice the Soviets made. I'm surprised by the Ukrainian attacks during the great war celebrations. I don't know if you have ever followed the military artefact collectors on the eastern front. Many of the German and Soviet dead are basically still lying where they fell. I still disagree with the Russians taking over the whole of Ukraine. Your previous post showed an abundance of Bandera statues in the West and the Western Ukrainians hate the Russians. As i said before they have convinced themselves that the Russians were responsible for the famines and what they call the Holodomor. They'll open the border to the Poles before the Russians get there. They might even form a unified entity between Poland and Western Ukraine. The Germans mystify me with their tolerance towards their Atlanticist political elite. The political class is completely acting against the national interest and as surveys show the Germans generally speaking are well disposed towards the Russians , the Ostdeutsch in particular,, which seems counterintuitive, but is true.

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thanks, great writeup

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