Jul 19Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

After the further machinations of Nato I'm now of the view that Russia must take over all of Ukraine or install a puppet government to govern Western Ukraine. The problem is clear now that Nato will continue to invest even in a rump state Ukraine to cause trouble for Russia. It might have a moderating effect on Poland, Romania etc to have a Russian army on their doorstep with no buffer state in between. I have been speaking to some Latvian Russians about the war. I got the impression the Russians have a heavy heart fighting most of the Ukrainians with the exception of the Nazis who come mostly from the areas most likely to dodge the draft. I think once the Russians get into western Ukraine the killing will increase exponentially- with a lighter heart- which is perhaps another reason for Ukraine to surrender before that happens. I didn't quite realise how lucky Trump was. Looks like he moved his head just a millisecond before impact. Melania must be fuming. I thought the shooter was in front of Trump but he was actually to the right hand side of Trump's position. There was a good article on Yellen etc. There's speculation that the democrats and their deep state supporters are about to cause economic chaos in the US on the eve of/ or after a fresh Trump presidency, hence Yellen's presaging comments about the dollar, which have to be viewed in that context.

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" Russia must take over all of Ukraine"

Yup. Been saying that since April, 2022. But it's not because NATO will continue to invest in a rump Ukraine. It's because Russia needs to counter the Aegis Shore INF installations in Poland and Romania - and now in Germany since the West has decided to deploy INF missiles there, too. The only way to do that is put your air defenses and your own missiles launchers as close to those installations as possible - and that means western Ukraine.

Absolutely no one but me and a couple people seem to get that. Even Martyanov hasn't noticed.

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Jul 20Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

Yes, I took a while to come round to that idea. I thought the cost benefit wasn't worth it for Russia but now i think Russia has no alternative given Nato's stance. Last week the Dr was asked about his sources for the Ukrainian casualty figures- i forgot to mention that Yuriy Lutsenko, the former Ukrainian Prosecutor General noted in January 2024- Ukraine had suffered 500,000 killed or wounded at that point. War ultimateky comes down to your ability to kill or wound your opponent. To use a David Hume syllogistic proposition and i hope the Dr will correct me if i have got it wrong: In modern warfare 75% of combatants are killed by artillery ( this is an artillery war); The Russians fire 20,000 shells per day: on average the Ukrainians fire 5000 per day; therefore the Russians are killing 75 percent more Ukrainians per day using artillery. Its strange but that would seem to be broadly accurate overall.

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If the Russians are shooting four times as many shells as the Ukrainians they should kill four times as many men (not 75% more) - everything else being equal.

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Jul 20Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

Excellent update, Dr Rob! Really covers all the important stuff in a clear and concise way. Will come here more often!

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Jul 20Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

Thanks for the great update Rob.

The weapons disparity unleashed by the RF on the UA is vastly superior now and has been for some time. Yet still they try to hold their positions by forcing the plebs into the zeroed positions to catch bombs.

The pushback is not coming from the West or the nazis in Kiev so it has to come from the commanders/soldiers at the front or the people itself.

It just shows the society that we live in, if a country as large as Ukraine can be intimidated and brainwashed so much as to blindly follow their irrational leaders into the demise of their country.

(helped by their democracy loving friends in the West of course)

On other matters it looks like the ICJ has finally woken up (50 years too late perhaps) to the injustices doled out by the Zionists.

Interesting quote I picked up on intel slava from the Blinken warmonger

'Iran is capable of producing fissile material for use in a nuclear weapon within "one or two weeks," US Secretary of State Antony Blinken stated earlier today.

Blinken also reiterated the US will not allow Iran to obtain nuclear weapons.

Sounds a bit like the Blair/Bush WMD deception before Gulf war 2.

So it seems those in power want war with China, Russia, Iran and North Korea all at the same time.

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I'm pleased with the ICJ. The Blinken - 'one or two weeks' claim also reminds me of Blair's 45 minute claim - it's meant to scare people. But the pushback from the people in Ukraine, though in its infancy, could prove to be a decisive factor. Let's hope so. Cheers.

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Jul 20·edited Jul 20Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

Great report as usual. I saw the interview with Alex Krainer and agree with your assessment of his perspecive. I also noted similarities to the last 'Language and Bewitchment' article you provided, when he was discussing it all from the propaganda angle from the elites petit (the low intellect, morally deficient, shit-for-brain imperial compradors). Nice to see public anger growing in Europe at least.

Great photo of the Trump feline. Given that the flag that provided the Iwo Jima moment was, according to some commentators, useful to the 'sniper' before it became an iconic image, one has to note the irony. Almost as ironic as the many claims by the usual suspects that 'assassination is not the American way'!

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Cheers Dude. Glad you noticed the front line cat. The fist pump, flag flying pic will become as famous at the Mt. Suribachi one.

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The Ukraine war has become so boring to me that I rarely look at any news about it any more. The Russians appear to be prepared to wait until the last Ukrainian soldier dies before making any serious moves. So I have to reverse my earlier prediction that the war would end by late summer or fall. Now I think it could go on for six more months, if not longer. I'm sure the Russian population is equally frustrated by this.

"to this onslaught which will be directed at two sectors of the front"

In other words, like the last one, we're going to telegraph to the Russians what our battle plan is...so they can be entirely ready, also like last time. This reinforces my belief that the military mind is not first-rate.

"UAV assembly workshops were hit in Odessa and Ilyichevsk."

One wonders why the Russians are so reactive. They were caught short on drones during the beginning of the war, caught up, then somehow the Ukrainians achieved "local drone advantage", according to Scott Ritter, on parts of the front. Now the Russians are bombing UAV assembly plants. That should have been done long before this - just like all the Ukrainian S-300 air defenses should have been destroyed in the first week of the war, which didn't happen. I'm beginning to question Martyanov's respect for the Russian General Staff.

As for Trump, as I said on Martyanov's blog, I'm just pissed the shooter missed. I despise incompetence (including my own which is massive in most contexts), whether of assassins or the Secret Service. I tend to agree with Scott Ritter that this guy probably had some help. But I'm not convinced that just because he had to have done surveillance on site beforehand, which no one can prove, he had that help.

It has been suggested that the guy was wearing an American flag on his shirt - which was a shirt from a pro-gun manufacturer - and that since allegedly the local police SWAT team were supposed to be on that roof, but instead were in the building because it was "too hot" to go on the roof, that the police and Secret Service sniper teams held fire when he was spotted because they couldn't be sure he wasn't part of the SWAT team. I tend to doubt that since presumably the SWAT team would have been in full tactical gear and it should have been evident to the snipers watching the guy through their scopes that he wasn't.

Beyond that, there's no doubt the Secret Service utterly screwed up both their protection of Trump in general and specifically when they let him stand up before the situation was declared "safe". This is why I was suspicious of the event. That "iconic" picture reproduced above was so obviously a PR ploy that it made me suspicious that the whole event was staged by Trump himself.

Beyond that, people who think Trump has some power to "drain the swamp" are delusional. This is not how power works in the US. There is no such thing as an "independent" President. You don't get to be President in the US unless the PTB want you there. Which PTB may decide which person becomes President in competition with other PTB, but no one becomes President who will not adhere, certainly for the most part, with the "Prime Directives" of the PTB.

This is also why idiots who think some "third party" could achieve control of the US government are also delusional. Everyone needs to understand: Power is the ability to control outcomes. The PTB currently hold all power in the US and no one is in a position to change that, short of a general revolution in which said PTB are gunned down in the street or bombed from the air.

There's a reason why almost all revolutions involve blood in the streets - or the PTB fleeing to avoid blood in the streets.

The US hasn't had a "revolution" since 1776 - and it wasn't that much of one then. It had a "civil war" between two defined constituencies. Today there are no real defined constituencies; there's just a mish-mash of pissed-off people pissed off for various reasons. And most of those people are not capable of significant violence, certainly not in the face of the US police and military organizations. "Militias" are a joke. Violence will ensue - the US has 20 million concealed firearms carriers and 400 million firearms in private possession - 7 times what the police and military have. But they have no training. And most people are not yet in the position of having "nothing to lose but their lives". And when they are, they won't have any resources to do anything against an organized military force.

The US is going down - but it will take another ten or twenty or thirty years (unless there's WWIII, which is increasingly likely) and the end will be with a whimper, not a revolution. The US will just turn into Britain the way Britain did once it lost its empire. Most people will carry on their lives like before - just poorer.

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