"The US must surely realise that Russia will not negotiate with this man. "

The US is no more interested in negotiations than Putin is. What do they have to gain by negotiations? It's the same with Gaza. No one gains by negotiations in either case (except of course the people dying - whom no one gives a rat's ass about.)

As for the numbers involved in Kursk, Martyanov quoted the Akhmat general thus: "The localization and annihilation of whatever is being left from those between 11,600 and 11,900 (by General Alautdinov's rough estimates) engaged in this adventure continues and, in fact, accelerates. " That seems a reasonable number for an operation of that size which was nothing more than another PR stunt.

Saw a great cartoon over at Martyanov's showing Zelensky's hand rising from the water begging for help, then the US hand comes down and gives it a high five, saying "great PR move", then withdrawing as the Zelensky hand sinks beneath the waves. Pretty good representation of the situation, especially since it looks like the Nordstream report is intended to sink Zelensky as well as Syrsky. Not that Russia cares any more or the US as I said.

Ukraine is no longer relevant. All the action is about to shift to the Middle East. Hezbollah just released a video this past night showing one of their tunnel systems, large enough to carry massive trucks - at least ten of them - loaded with six precision missiles each. They drive up a ramp, the roof opens up and the firing point is exposed. Very impressive video - should scare the hell out of the Israelis - and the US, since no amount of bombing is likely to affect that tunnel system, short of tactical nukes - even if they could find it.

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Thanks Richard.

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Aug 16Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

In the section on UK terrorism you should have mentioned synagogues not being attacked and not mosques.

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Thanks so much - of course I meant synagogues. I'll have to be more careful with my editing. Good of you to take the trouble to point it out - cheers.

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Aug 23Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

It is the UK who in the first world war showed what masters of propaganda in the history of mankind they are , and to be expected ———-50 million ww1 posters printed - 700,000 in two months enlisting in the uk army and now the puppies of the usa wanted to get into the action of entering the pigpen of filth with the uk which they did marvellously and along the way around 1947 the jews said open that pigpen gate and let us in and that gentlemen and ladies is why this planet is a degenerate and spoilt shithole unfit for gentlemen to live on any more and the reasons being the uk, dont helieve me than read Maggies Hammer 🔨 Maggie's Hammer: How Investigating the Mysterious Death of My Friend Uncovered a Netherworld of Illegal Arms Deals, Political Slush Funds, High-Level ... Secret Role as America's Hired Gun Paperback – 28 August 2015

by Geoffrey Gilson (Author)

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In November 1988, Hugh John Simmonds CBE, Margaret Thatcher's favorite speechwriter and the author's best friend, boss and political mentor, turned up dead in a woodland glade a few miles from their sleepy suburban hometown 20 miles west of London. To learn why his best friend was murdered, Geoffrey Gilson journeyed into the dangerous world of international arms deals, covert intelligence operations and high-level political corruption and discovered a secret that explains much of contemporary history. A quest for truth which, after 20 years of high-risk adventure coupled with painstaking research and firsthand interviews, uncovered the ugly reality that, for some 30 years, the various governments of Great Britain have loaned their country's military and intelligence services to the United States, allowing presidents from Reagan to Obama to pursue their covert foreign and military policies without the encumbrance of congressional oversight. Dosent it make you sick in the guts the state of the western lying media?

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Interesting - thanks. Have you read Mark Curtis's 'Web of Deceit'?

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Aug 20Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

There was interesting point made that the incursion/invasion of Russia has triggered the Russo- Korean mutual defence agreement. Any views?

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I saw several articles showing that the agreement allows Russia and Korea to comes to each other's assistance if either is attacked - but nothing on the agreement being triggered. Do you have a link?

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Interesting point indeed - I had not heard that. But if it is true I am not sure if the Russians/North Koreans would act upon it. I'll look out for news of it. Cheers.

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Aug 18Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

re: footnote 2 - I suspect a death toll of 182K more accurate than 40K, which seems to be the product of all sides having an interest in keeping the publicised number low. We'll find out eventually.

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Aug 17Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

Thanks as usual Rob.

"... Farage has been saying for some time, the UK must control immigration which has resulted in many areas being dominated by non-British people and cultures. " I think someone should ask Farage to give some specific and actual examples. Immigration is less of a problem or issue than a government composed of imperial lackey's with no perceivable talent or ethics.

The statistics provided by Simp have more to do with the maintenance of an imbalanced economy that undermines the working population's potential wage-rates. Also 95 to 5 people per 100 compared to 73 to 27 per 100 would not be an issue if 100 out of 100 working people were not subject to the issues you high-lighted WRT the social fabric of the UK. Perhaps he covered that I don't read him since he disappeared behind a paywall.

Generally I consider both 'Kursk' and the 'UK race riots' as Media fanned PR events - Kursk was stupid idea and alongside the UK race riots, both were just episodes of misdirection. 'Two Tier Keir' and his crrew are as subtle as a brick, so we know they want to strengthen the Law in order to isolate and intimidate. The Kursk thing is just more 'Ukraine' BS for western media - a journalistic puff piece that is in fact a 'snuff movie'.

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Cheers Dude. The concern about domination by other cultures is quite widespread in the stuff I have seen on social media. I am not saying whether I agree with it - but am reflecting what many people think. I lived in a multi-cultural setting in Grangetown, Cardiff and was quite happy with it. But many people perceive that they are being displaced and are scapegoating due to the deterioration in their own living standards and status. This latter is the problem, perhaps, rather than immigration per se. I don't have the time to study it. I heard some people opining that the UK government actually fanned the flames of the riots in order to justify the oppression of the British people. I agree about Kursk - just like a snuff movie (not that I've ever watched one).

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Aug 17·edited Aug 17Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

I've only heard about 'snuff movies' as well - cannot imagine why anyone would knowingly watch one. I also feel the same about multi-cultural settings. I have a vague recollection of studies that demonstrated communities that experienced multi- cultural and ethnic environments are less prone to perceptions 'that they are being displaced...' etc. As for social media claims about 'domination by other cultures' few have complained about the saturation of American cultural values on Olde England's quaint aristocratic imperialist hangover culture. This is where your Language and Bewitchment series really comes into its own. Thanks for the opportunity to have a rant. I feel much better for it. Cheers.

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I campaigned for Labour to remain in the EU but that was before I fully appreciated what the EU is. But I can remember Jeremy Corbyn defending the Brexiteers, rejecting claims that they were racist. Jeremy took the view that immigration must be controlled to an extent: that uncontrolled immigration into areas where services and infrastructure were already stretched would benefit no one. I don't know enough about the situation in Birmingham or Manchester to pass judgement on people's views on multi-culturalism or diversity. But it may be very different in these places than it was for me living in Grangetown.

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Aug 17Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

Good old Jeremy a man of principles. He was correct, 'uncontrolled immigration into areas where services and infrastructure were already stretched would benefit' very few not the majority nor the immigrants.

The EU turned out to be a lesson for me as I consider myself an internationalist. Now I know the difference between internationalism and globalism. Internationalism can be multi-polar - as the French say 'vive la difference'.

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Aug 17·edited Aug 18Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

AS usual, thanks for the great update Rob.

Good quote from Chris Hedges too.

Very dangerous times for the World now, thanks to the lunatics.

From interviewed prisoner reports and rumours it looks like the original objectives of the Kursk invasion were to take the nuclear plant and blackmail Russia or perhaps even blow it up.

Other than that to cause as much disruption in Russia as possible. Tough to defend against but it all looks in hand.

I wouldn't be surprised if this is the main offensive with the amount of reserves they are moving to the Kursk area.

Good to get all the nazis in one place and decimate them as well.

But the activities to the left of the bulge do look a bit concerning around the Seym river and the Nato/UA attempts to blow logistics bridges for the defenders.

On the other fronts it looks like the Donbas front is heading to the fall of Toretsk and complete collapse-rapidly (with the plebs defending it as well)

German behaviour seems insane not to call Ukraine out for trashing their economy with the Nord stream attacks whilst also continuing military support

Still could that just be a way of shifting the blame away from the US and UK.

Well onto another week and lets see what happens.

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Now there is talk of the Ukrainians launching 'dirty bombs' at Kursk and Zaporozhye NPPs. They really do have a death wish.

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Aug 17Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

Yes Rob, it looks like the endgame is approaching so who knows what they will try to somehow stop the Russians..

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Aug 17Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

The more i look at things the more i start to think the attack on Kursk has greater parallels with Arnhem. The Ukrainians are now surrounding in Russia and are being pulverised. I suspect the Russian military staff will treat the Ukrainian grouping a bit like they did Army Group Courland just simply go round it and let it slowly bleed to death. In the meantime the British press are treating the capture of a sizeable Russian village like a major strategic gain whilst they ignore the Russian army advancing on a Ukrainian city of 62,000 as if its a non event. The role of Poland in Nato planning shouldn't be ignored. The great US strategic thinker, whose name escapes me, was Polish and it appears as if the overall strategic thinking of Nato is a reworking of the old Polish Intermarium plan.

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Aug 17Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

Surrounded. There are no riots in Scotland despite the Muslim population doubling since the last census. There was a good article about Scottish society being more reflective and supportive of issues which concern Muslims such as Gaza and greater ability to integrate and assimilate. I think of the strengths of Scottish identity is that it is not based on a mono ethnic society in the present or historically. Scots are a poly glot of the people's of Europe and beyond and consequently our identity is reflective of what we identify as: a polyglot of many ethnic groups sharing a single imagined group which has an inclusive outlook.

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I have always had a dual national identity with a Welsh mother and a Scottish father. I came to Scotland having lived most of my life in Wales because I wanted to come to my father's home. But when I started researching the history of the Borders I found that the Welsh (the Brits) lived here in places such as Mindrum (Northumberland). The Picts, the Scots, the Anglo-Saxons, the Romans, the Celts and others all lived around here.

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It's a little like the British attack on Arnhem itself where 8,000 of the 10,000 were either killed or captured.

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Sorry, it was the Polish Promethean aspect of the wider Intermarium that sought to break up Russia.

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Aug 17Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

Thanks Rob, another great update as per usual. Much appreciated.

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Aug 16Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

Thank you for all.

Your comment on terrorism reminds me of the old phrase "One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter." The American war of independence, Fidel Castro or the IRA being a good examples.

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What you say is true. Remember that our own Maggie Thatcher called Mandela a terrorist - with some justification - but he was converted into a Mother Teresa type figure. I have made many comments on terrorism - can you be more specific please. With regard to the war of independence, you may not know that the right to violent revolt was advocated by an Englishman - i.e. John Locke. Locke wrote about this in his 'Two Treatises on Government' I think - back in the 17th century. He said that when a government oppresses the people, they have a right to revolt - as the English people had the right to revolt against Charles 1st and the American people had a right to revolt against the English Crown.

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In the section on UK Riots - I should have stated that Muslims have refrained from attacking synagogues rather than mosques - apologies.

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Great stuff here; thank you for your efforts in keeping us informed.

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