I feel as if I should say something about the terrorist attacks that occurred in Moscow just hours after I had published. Condolences to all those who have suffered and good luck to the Russian security services in catching the perpetrators. Can I express my disgust at the British press for ignoring the attacks and my incredulity at those who are claiming that the Russians were responsible.

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Re Macron. Garland Nixon hit the nail on the head in his talk with Scott Ritter yesterday. He said the US wants the EU to go to war with Russia, while the US stays out of it. This is because the US wants the situation to go back to the way i was immediately after WWII: Russia weakened by war, the EU destroyed by war, and the US holding all the marbles and being "the lender of last resort". This is because a US economics report cited the EU as America's biggest economic competitor after China (before the EU decided to de-industrialize itself by cutting off cheap Russian energy.)

Andrei Martyanov has a blog post up saying essentially the same thing.

I discussed this very scenario way back in early 2022: that the neocons wanted NATO to go to war against Russia while the US stays out of it.

And here we have Macron pushing this exact scenario. As Ritter and others point out, France has very few troops to send to Ukraine and logistical sustainment will be impossible. So as Ritter says, the Russians know that 2,000 French troops means later 10,000 Polish troops, then some more, and more. In other words, the Middle East adage that you "don't let the camel's nose into the tent" because then the whole camel comes in. So when those 2,000 French troops arrive, Russia will destroy the better part of them. So Ritter points out that then France either has to escalate or withdraw. So then they put up an air cover - which the Russians destroyed. This is how the war escalates to WWIII.

However, if Nixon and Martyanov are right, the US stays out of it. So the EU is destroyed but we don't get WWIII.

Of course, once things happen, other things might happen. Everything the neocons try fails, so my guess is we end up with nuclear WWIII and the US doesn't GET to stay out of it.

People can watch Ritter's exposition here:



Andrei's post is here:

France Has Been Warned...


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I think the French or French forces have invaded Russia on at least four occasions: 1812; 1853; 1918 and 1941. They lost each time. Its probably time for them to get out their old copies of Count Caulaincourt's book on Napoleon's invasion of Russia or for simpler tastes the memoirs of Sergeant Bourgogne. NB: Vichy France sent an expeditionary force in the 1940s to join the German forces in Russia.

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Exactly. Russia has been invaded by the West multiple times over the last 200 years. They've decided enough is enough. Once Russia gets through building up its forces in Ukraine, Belarus and the new Military Districts further north in Russia opposite Finland and Sweden, a new "Iron Curtain 2.0", the West will never invade again - except by nuclear missiles and Russia is ready for that, too.

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What he said.

Just watched a meaty Utube on John Mearsheimer’s Substack where he makes a good argument that Uncle is anxious to leave the fusterclucks in Ukraine and West Asia/ Palestine behind (easier said than done especially with AIPAC pushing Congress and Sleepy Joe around) and to move forward with the “pivot to Asia “ . Mearshimer sees the action moving to SE Asia with different islands and trade routes being contested between the Philippines and China for starters- the Navy still has armaments (for now, at least) and can handle (it thinks)

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Mearsheimer misses the point on the Middle East. The US wants to take down the Axis of Resistance before going to China. They have to for the protection of Israel and further because the Middle East controls the oil - and the Houthis control the shipping through the Red Sea. They can't leave that unattended even if they did want to hang Israel out to dry - which they can't because the "Donor Class" in the US will strangle their political prospects if they do.

Tonight I watched Blinken tell an interviewer that an Israeli team is coming to Washington next week to discuss a coordinated plan - economic, military and diplomatic - with the US. This means that this team is actually going to coordinate with the US Pentagon so the US can join Israel in attacking Lebanon. Israel will start it, then when Israel gets in trouble - which will be quick - the US will come in to support them directly against Hezbollah.

Gantz set this up on his visit, they're inviting Netanyahu to talk to Congress to boost it, and this team meeting is to coordinate the operational plan.

So this means the US is going all in to the Middle East. The China-haters are going to have to wait until that gets resolved. They may be able to dump Ukraine, but they cannot dump Israel and the Middle East.

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Touché, comrade! I can’t help it, but the old song “Torn Between Two Lovers” is running around my brain (at ease, I ain’t “gettin’ funny” on you!). Uncle is going to “take the pain” in Ukraine, and now they are gonna go “all in” with the Zionists sadly meaning the likely Cleansing of Gaza which will probably unleash the full fury of the Axis of Resistance = the end of the Israeli state and Uncle’s “landed aircraft carrier” = not much power left to project against China. Who’ll be a better “friend” to Israel ? Trump or Biden? Does it matter? Uncle takes the pain 3 different ways- ouch!

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You're right - Trump or Biden doesn't matter. It's the PTB that matter and they aren't either Trump or Biden (one is a moron, the other has dementia - telling which is which is the problem.)

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“Kick their ass and take their gas!” It’s all about the Benjamins, baby and the PTB/ Masters of the Universe remain very dependent on fossil assets for their continued dominance. I read somewhere ages ago that the military needs/ can consume 50% of available fossil fuels. This seemed a bit of an exaggeration but that calculation is above my pay grade- new deposits are discovered all the time lately (or so it seems) and Mother Nature is being trampled into extinction- we’ll be lucky to “achieve” a facsimile of the Harkonnen homeworld. It’ll probably take more than pitchforks to depose the MOTU - the PTB may be more cowardly and yield with a “few jabs”. I can dream, can’t I?

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(oops) localized skirmishes. Also, there’s some friendly neighbors with Vietnam, S. Korea and especially Japan having some maritime bones of contention with China. Biden is desperate to avoid getting swamped by the Republicans and TDS will push the Blob to “do something “ to keep Team D in the driver’s seat. I have a hunch that they might try to replace Kamala at the D convention with someone like G. Newsom (not my cup of tea) who can step up when Joe “steps out”. Fasten your seat belts, folks and knock on wood!

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I forgot to ask earlier: Are the Finns accepting the role they played in the siege of Leningrad? The siege is personal to Putin his older brother died during the siege.

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The neocons are a peculiar bunch they support Israel whilst demonsing Russia. A quick check of the origins of many of the neocons will support the argument that their forebears mostly arrived in the US from the pale of settlement lands and fled the pogroms that took place in the days of Tsarist Russia. Seems like they still hold a grudge against Russians but what is peculiar is that Russia, and Putin in particular, is on relatively good terms with Israel. Putin is on record as saying that he regards Israel as part of the Russian cultural sphere because of the number of Russians in Israel. I would have thought it would be against Israel's interest for the neocons to provoke Russia into giving the Syrians etc advanced anti missile anti aircraft systems which could be a game changer.

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I “resemble” this remark. My paternal grandfather landed at Ellis Island, NYC as a boy in the early 1900s with his extended family fleeing a pogrom from a village “somewhere near Minsk”. He grew up as a Socialist, getting through the Depression and saving enough to move the family to Queens, where my Dad and his two sisters graduated high school just in time for the New Deal and WW II. They were “typical NY Jews” - not that observant (probably Kosher for Passover but otherwise?) I don’t recall any animosity towards Russians - “Commies” became a “thing” post WWII thanks to substantial propaganda (didn’t dare call it that back in the day!) The Conservative or Orthodox Jews were vehemently opposed to the Zionists - “Israel” had to await the coming of the Messiah. My how times have changed!

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I think Putin would prefer that these extreme Zionists were not in power. Interesting about the neo-cons. Thanks

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Yes i agree. Here's an interesting fact -not related- but i think you will find appreciate. The football concept of Gegenpress is actually a concept adopted from the Wehrmacht squad manual: The Germans would absorb an enemy attack then would immediately counterattack because the enemy force in attack would be unhinged/unbalanced and open to exploitation. Keep up the good work. The effort you put in is much appreciated. Watch out for the basking sharks on the east coast.

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Thanks for your work! I've shared the link.

A Skeptic War Reports


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Good point. But the Finns were involved - they chose the wrong side (nothing's changed in that respect). I've read books about the siege, watched documentaries and a couple of dramas on it. It was a terrible thing for the people to live (and die) through. They were dropping dead at their work desks - and I think there was some cannibalism. I don't think it's worth me trying to find out because it would be an impossibility for the Finns to contemplate such a thought - given their current relationship with the Russkies. I don't think people in the West have any idea what the Great Patriotic war means to the Russians. Putin was born about 8 years after the siege ended but he will have a connection with the war through his brother and his parents - as I still have with my 97 years old mum. He will not be alone in that respect. Russia was affected by the war in a way that we in the UK can't possibly imagine.

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I'll take a look at Garland, Ritter and Martyanov when I get time. Cheers both.

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