Jan 5Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

Thank you for your efforts.

As Hebestreit ist the spokesman of the German Government, he tells not his personal opinion, but that of the Government. Which ist the dumbest and most worse we ever had. Possibly many of them do not have double standards, as they believe our German media, who parrot everything what Ukraine tells them. Confirmation bias does the Rest.

The same ist with the Gaza issue. 99% of the commenters in the German News Channels believe that Israel doing the right thing, some even call for more force.

It's really shocking for me to read their posts. No difference to the Third Reich times. People believe any lie, if it is often enough repeated.

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Thanks for that. I find it really difficult to engage with the legacy media.

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Jan 6Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

Excellent. Thank you. I learned quite a bit from this and I always like that. :)

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Good to hear from you Arthur.

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And good to read your output, Rob. :)

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Another great recap of events. Your weekly reports save me from having to read other sources.

"This amorality is one of the main differences between many secular Westerners and those who are guided by religious values in the east. And amorality is a prominent characteristic of an imploding Empire."

I am a total amoralist, indeed an "anti-moralist", not to mention a rabid atheist. How to explain my distaste for western governments? Simple. They're not rational. They're not correct ("correct" as in "recognizing reality", not "morally correct.") That's all one needs to know. No religious values needed.

I don't support any states, being an individualist anarchist, including Russia and China. However, I recognize "the enemy of my enemy is - if not a friend - at least useful" - and my direct enemy is my own government. So the rise of the multipolar order that damages my own government's insane hegemony is a positive development. At least, as long as no one nukes San Francisco. :-)

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Thanks Richard. I have been a communitarian anarchist for more than thirty years (I am no fan of the state) and an agnostic rather than an atheist for roughly the same period.

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Good to know.

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Jan 8Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

Does substack offer any kind of 'Headings/Links within Page' option - which would be very useful for quickly navigating longer articles like these?

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I have no idea. Can anyone help?

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Jan 7Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

A really great and very helpful summary, with the best maps ever, it is simply a delight to read every report. Thanks for all your work. Also wishing you a happy new year.

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Thank you Tilly - Happy New Year to you also.

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Does anyone out there in Substack land know if it provides a 'Headings/Links within Page' option?

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