Again, nice recap. Saves me from having to read all the "tactical minutia" (as Martyanov calls it) during the week.

Abrams tanks: "But they will not be employed on the front line, according to Ukraine’s head of military intelligence, because they will not ‘live very long on the battlefield’. Instead, the tanks will be used ‘in a tailored way’ in ‘well crafted operations’."

One has to ask with puzzlement HOW one "does not deploy to the front" but conducts "well crafted operations"? You're either on the front confronting the enemy or you're not. Are they going to conduct PR parades in Kiev as public theater that "Kiev is protected by the US"? Are they going to trundle to Transnistria and try to take that over? Are they going to use them to attack Belarus? Belgorod? The whole concept of "non-front-line operations" is absurd. Why bother sending the (token) 31 Abrams if they're not going to be used? Obviously they've been sent for pure PR reasons by the US.

Ukraine force buildup: "38 brigades and seven artillery battalions is expected" That will probably 38 half-strength or under-strength brigades of 2,000 troops each or about 76,000 troops. Ukraine has used forces this size before to absolutely no avail. What will happen is half to 80 percent of them will die with zero effect on the Russians. Seven artillery battalions is not going to be enough. This is simply not how one does an offensive. This not going to be an "offensive", these are just more attacks. The Ukrainian general interviewed admitted they haven't been able to launch any attacks with larger than squad size - 10-15 troops.

Then there's this from Martyanov's friend, war correspondent Marat Khairullin :


This week the movement of our troops unexpectedly began at the mouth of the Dnieper. Ours crossed the Dnieper and created a bridgehead on Bakaisky Island. Now the cleanup of Bolshoi Island is underway, and according to some reports, our advanced DRGs were seen on the approaches to the village of Kizomys (see Map 1).

I have already written that panic is spreading in Kherson and Nikolaev about the activation of our sabotage groups. This week the dill added to their horror by announcing the arrival of a large Wagner detachment. The whole humor of the situation can be understood that in the Kherson region there are already enough nightmares for the Krauts.

Near Kherson there is, for example, the 11th Assault Brigade of the Airborne Forces - the same “Buryats” that for some reason the Ukrainians are afraid to the point of hiccups. Somewhere nearby there is the 10th separate GRU special forces brigade - those guys are very bad, constantly offending their non-brothers. Now the mythologized Wagner has arrived, and this is not counting the “Halloweens” operating somewhere near Ochakov (who they are - maybe one of the readers will tell you).

Dills are always nervous about themundefined radio broadcast. In general, the concentration of our troops in the lower reaches of the Dnieper is a big headache for the Ukrainian Armed Forces. I emphasize that these are fresh, experienced troops. And for our network, it will probably be a big revelation that the Dnieper has already been crossed, and there is a slow advance of our advanced detachments to the Ukrop bank (those same boa constrictor rings).

End Quote

In other words, the Russians have already established a beachhead across the Dnieper! This is big news.

"But I should say that this could have been an innocent, well meaning ‘cock up’ by the Canadian parliament." Not a chance. As many such as Scott Ritter have pointed out, you don't get into a meeting of Parliament with two heads of state present without being vetted by the state police and intelligence agencies. They knew exactly who this guy was and what he did in WWII. Ania K in her recent interview with Ritter suggested that since this occurred shortly before Yom Kippur that this was a deliberate insult to Jews everywhere. Typical Canadian Nazi behavior.

Ukraine elections: Ritter points out that 1) Zelensky's wife is being a Debbie Downer on Zelensky's re-election - or even running - probability, and 2) that it seems this is how the US wants to get rid of him - by having him lose an election he doesn't want to hold.

I look forward to your next report. Keep up the good work.

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Thanks for the info. Interesting stuff about the Russian bridgehead across the Dnieper. I don't think it was 'cock up' either btw. Cheers

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the people who are in charge of our destiny - our rulers, if you like, are dim incompetents: amoral, self absorbed pretenders - just like Z.

Now that is exactly right. So how stupid does that make us for electing them and leaving them there?

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Thanks Arthur.

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Sep 30, 2023Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

"Trump may have been guilty of business fraud:"

Rump has been nothing but a business fraud and money launderer since the 1970s. Laundering money for people like the Russian mafia and Blackwater will buy one a certain amount of immunity though as prosecutors are rightfully frightened to take that on, but the publicity of his presidency seems to have scared off his customers so that protection is gone.

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Thanks for that - I don't know that much about Trump's business dealings.

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Oct 5, 2023Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

We are inching towards WW3 and it's the decadent and idiotic West who are entirely to blame as we don't have any statesmen , we don't even have MEN in leadership positions, we merely have overgrown public schoolboys and Globalist stooges .

WE have a wolf by its ears in UKraine and daren't let go but it's not Russia, it's Ukraines gangster government ; we are going to be very fortunate indeed to pull out of this disaster without getting badly bitten as these gangsters will do anything to try and get the WEst involved in a direct fight with Russia as it's the only way they can avoid certain defeat

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Thanks for that. Funny you should mention 'wolf by the ears' because I can remember that phrase being used by German commentators in connection with the Russian juggernaut after Kursk. I think 'tiger by the tail' was also used.

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Oct 1, 2023Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

Came here from M of A and I'm so glad I did. Nice to see RSH here too.

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