
Hi Bela,

I took the spelling from an article - thanks for providing the correct version. I didn't say that Sweden's NATO membership was being discussed by the Hungarian parliament in October, I said it was being discussed by Turkiye's parliament in October. I have been following the situation in Sweden through https://www.youtube.com/@sanity4sweden for years and what has been happening to that country is really tragic. I have amended the substack to incorporate the correct spelling - I will need to be more careful in future in assuming that others are using the correct spelling. Are you Hungarian?

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Sep 23, 2023Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

A great 'roundup'.

Thanks Dr Rob.

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Sep 22, 2023·edited Sep 22, 2023Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

So the educated idiots , casual liars and habitual losers in the WEst have finally accepted that Ukraine cannot win this war by chasing the Russians out , but who knew ?

They have now moved onto stage two, insomuch, they've convinced they can ''freeze'' this war and de facto partition the country like Korea , then make Ukraine a NATO member and create a fortified border. .unfortunately for them the Russians will NEVER allow this as the main reason they fought the war was to keep NATO well away from Russia's borders , as such they are determined to win this war outright , which in reality means Russia taking the Black SEa coastline up to Rumania ; then regime change in the rump state of Ukraine that is sworn to strict neutrality ,and demilitarised like Austria after WW2 ... THIS is the only acceptable ending for the Russians

The coming defeat of Ukraine is acting as a catalyst and speeding up the collapse of the EU who are engaging in the suicide of open borders and de=segregating the sexes due to a nefarious LGBTQ agenda ..When Putin talks about the ''Crisis of Liberalism'' ..then this is it !

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Can't disagree with any of that. Thanks.

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Sep 23, 2023Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

Thank you for this very informative review of recent events. Very helpful.

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Good to hear - thank you. Rob

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For Hungarian-related news: The head of the Hungarian Parliament is called Mr László Kövér ! In the October session of the Hungarian Parliament, Sweden's NATO membership is not on the agenda, so it will not be voted on (not to mention that the disgusting behavior of the Swedes caused clear indignation among the Hungarian population). what is spread in Swedish schools about the Hungarians caused a huge indignation among the Hungarian parents-in-law! I think the Swedes are directly playing on the feelings of the Hungarians and Turks ( Qouran burnings ) so they can be sure that they cannot become NATO members ! But what can we expect from a country where the Swedes are slowly already a minority in their own country and they peer out terrified from behind the curtain to the street where the "naughty" illegal emigrant youths set fire to their cars with their torches out of passion!

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