Jun 28Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

Trying to understand the mentality of "the West" vs. Russia via Putin:

1. To paraphrase Dubya Bush's dancing monkey Karl Rove, "While you are sifting through the tea-leaves of our recent Crimes, we will already be committing new Crimes." Once you accept that the USA is a Criminal Enterprise masquerading as a Democracy, you might begin to understand what is going on.

2. Russia is a stoic culture, not a hand-wringing basket case. While endless words are written about what Russia is doing and why, it is always from the perspective of ignorance, often willful. Russia survived Bolshevism. Europe and the United States will not survive the revival of Feudalism. There is no safe castle anywhere, in any country, even in the vaunted Totalitarian State of New Zealand.

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"But sadly for Americans, this casts doubt on the capacity and willingness of a Trump admin..."

LOL Ya think?

Kaja Kallas - well, she's a lot better looking than Borell...

Russian Note To The U.S.: Your Drones Are Now Targets


About frickin' time...

"Such is the fate of apes, humans and Empires."

That's because humans are apes and Empires are run by apes. Everyone needs to remember that the difference between humans and chimpanzees is 1.5% in the genetic code.

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Jun 29Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

But Humans have three times the volume of brain than apes. Could be useful If humans decide not to be Led by instincts...

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Jun 28Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

Again a great thank you for all the information you have given us.

I really think it is time that Russia uses some of its great friends in the Americas to fly drones in international airspace but close to the US. I can see the America empire going ballistic and shooting these craft out of the sky, although it took them a long time to shoot down a weather balloon and a school kids science balloon.

On 30th March 2022, Ian Welsh [a great and thoughtful Canadian blogger] publish a map of Ukraine showing what 'Grim Jim' thought would be the Eastern Europe map when this western inspired madness ends. I think this is now rather optimistic as the longer range missiles fired by NATO means there needs to be larger demilitarized areas [& uninhabited?], preferably with the Banderite Nazi pushed out of Ukraine altogether. I think all the 'Ukrainians' in North America must be descendants of the Banderite faction who fought with Hitler's forces and killed thousands of Ukrainians, Poles, Russian and Jews. Certainly this seems the case in Canada whose MPs gave a standing ovation in parliament to a Nazi Waffen SS veteran [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/canada-speaker-apologizes-ukraine-nazi-veteran-honored-rcna117125].

Next Thursday is the British election and it seems that the right wing Tory PM will be replaced by an equally right wind Labour leader[in 2002 Thatcher said her greatest achievement was to get the Labour Party to change its mind]. Richard Murphy a British economics professor [https://www.taxresearch.org.uk/Blog/] has a lot to say about the dearth of compassion and economic sense in both the Tory and Labour parties.

The Consciousness of Sheep [Tim Watkins] blog today is called "The real threat to our security" which is one of the best summations of the fate of Britain and the West I have read for some time.

There might have been a time when Russia would have agreed to suggestions from Trump about peace in Europe, certainly that was before the US policies to destroy and divide Russia up into easily swallowed portion for US business for profit. Russia can certainly not trust any of the 'big' countries in Europe any more after the disgraceful way German and French leaders lied and signed the Minsk agreement.

I for one am pleased to hear that the Houthi might be getting some additional supplies. I also heard that there are more US carriers in the eastern Med. I am sorry for regular merchant sailor that are killed, but those on naval ships are often killing others [like the Houthi] directly or indirectly and so are also fair game - "What is good for the goose is also good for the gander" is an old saying. I really think that if the US lose several aircraft carriers, it will change so much. Bang goes their strategy for defending Israel and Taiwan. The Americans will have to start having statesmen and women who can work with other people and nations and not destroy anyone who disagrees with the Empire. It may also bring Europeans to their senses so they will work with the Russians for peace.

Sorry its so long, I got to rambling again.

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Jun 28Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

Never really understood why the Russians just haven't given advanced weaponry to the Ukrainian separatists and leave it to them to decide who they target and what they target. Seems to be the West's approach with the Zelensky illegal regime. I just wonder if it was a mistake to incorporate the oblasts into Russia rather than foster an alternative Ukrainian government in the secessionist states a bit like the Confederate regime in the US. It would have helped Russia with plausible deniability. The Russians must be running scared of the mighty Estonian army. All six thousand of them. Kallas looks like another clone from the future leader gang. It doesn't seem to matter how well groomed their outward appearance they all have the same cold soulless eyes. Another great piece. Thanks.

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

Thanks for the well compiled update Rob.

There is a lot going on in the Russia Ukraine conflict at the moment but it seems like the West and its (leaders?) are in full car crash mode.

What with the Biden debate, Rishi Sunak's doublespeak and that imbecilic quote from Kaja Kallas as well..

The attack on the beach in Crimea does look 100% targeted .

I did read somewhere that there is a disused military? airstrip not far from the beach.

But the fact that the NATO ISR is assisting the UA means they, presumably, would have known there was nothing at the airstrip worth targeting.

Then to cap it all off as you say to choose those days in particular was typical of Ukraine's recent heinous attacks om civilians.

I wonder if the reported phone-call between Defence Chief Austin and the Russian diplomat and subsequent reported flight from Russia to US on Flight Radar was about this issue?

Perhaps the Russians warned the US that the next Global Hawk will be toast if it pops up again over the Black sea? Or maybe even a deal was discussed.?

In my opinion the UA front has been strained in too many sectors to be maintained .

New operations are being carried out all over the place by the Russians and it looks like the Toretsk and Kupyansk areas are key.

Plus apparently 6 UA infantry battalions refused to carry out orders to make an attack.

Will the UA forces slowly get pushed back out of the Donbass and last remaining areas of Luhansk to a set demarcation line and then negotiations begin?

Lets see what next week brings.

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Thanks Anthony - Another exciting week ahead.

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