Jun 1Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

Morning, just about to read through later today. I did quick fact check on Trump to see if he is bedeviled with litigation due to a political conspiracy. I can't rule it out without further research but according to wikipedia during his business life he has been involved in 4,000 pieces of litigation. Yes, 4,000. Nice to see Scotland take centre stage in raising awareness of the plight of Palestine at last nights game. Its a pity for the Scottish players that the games are behind closed doors including the game next week which is to be played in Hungary. Strange world we live in where Russians get banned for trying to protect young victims of warfare and Israel doesnt for killing them.

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Jun 1Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

Strange world where Bellingcat (of Russiagate and Skripal assassination fame) funded an exhibit in the British War Museum on Russian spies, in the spy exhibition.

Recommended write up of the Trump case. Lawfare at its best.

Prosecutors Got Trump — But They Contorted the Law

By Elie Honig, a former federal and state prosecutor


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That was great - thanks. I don't have the luxury of following things that are not related to Ukraine. Now I understand the situation better. No wonder Tulsi Gabbard was outraged.

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Jun 1Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

You are welcome.

I find it very challenging to find out what is really going on in a country, when you don’t live there.

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You are welcome

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I didn't realise Scotland were playing last night but it was the women. I didn't realise that games were being played behind closed doors either. Cheers.

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Another nice recap, much appreciated at saving me much time by not following a lost cause war.

"I am not going to comment on this because I have absolutely no idea what is going on here."

You don't need to. There will undoubtedly be appeals anyway going over the next several years. And it doesn't matter, according to the news reports he can still run for President. So even if convicted beyond appeal. does anyone believe a sitting judge will sentence a sitting President to jail time? I know, I know, all the morons think we're under a Biden dictatorship. That's why they're morons. All Trump is convicted of, as I understand it, is paying off a hooker with funds he wasn't supposed to use for that purpose. Big frickin' deal! No one gets twenty years for that. I robbed two banks and only got nine years, for Christ's sakes! At worst, he'll get a fine which he can easily pay.

Trump will not go to jail - unless of course they find other reasons to convict him of something more serious. Also, given the moronic state of the US electorate, no one is going to refuse to vote for him just over this hooker crap, especially since his wife hasn't left him over it (and cut off her bank account? HAH! - Although if she were smart, she would and get half his money in the divorce settlement. Shows how stupid she is...)

Unfortunately this probably means this moron will resume fucking up the world and the US as President next January. He recently said he would bomb Beijing and Moscow if China and Russia mess with the US. So we have that to look forward to - if Biden doesn't do it first.

" I try not to think about it too much and I attempt to quickly skip over the horrible images on TV channels and Telegram."

Which, of course, is what everyone does - which is why I dismiss the notion that humans give a rat's ass about each other. They don't, they never have, and they never will. So it's stupid to be pissed at me when I dismiss any concern for humans - which I do dismiss. I don't care who dies or how many as long as 1) they're not people doing useful science and engineering that actually helps the species evolve to something better, and 2) they're not people I care about (almost none), and 3) they're not hot babes.

However, that doesn't mean I support stupid wars and genocides. In my philosophy, such things are "incorrect" - not "right" or "wrong". They don't help, is a (very) short version of my philosophy, and in fact they make things worse for everyone everywhere.

If you want a less disturbing recap of what's going on, check out the weekly 2-3 hour Youtube live stream from The Electronic Intifada channel. Every week they give a recap of the week's news, an interview with some Palestinian or other person who provides context, a really excellent recap of the week's military events (lots of videos of Hamas taking out Israeli soldiers, tanks and bulldozers with excellent analysis) by Jon Elmer, and a follow-on discussion. Highly recommended: https://www.youtube.com/user/electronicintifada Their Web site which has related articles is here: https://electronicintifada.net/

"No Taurus Missiles to Ukraine - Scholz" As The Duran guys discussed today, that's a fig leaf. Since the US has now greenlit Ukraine attacks inside Russia with US weapons, Scholz no longer has a leg to stand on. So he will send them eventually. People need to understand this: there ARE NO "red lines". Not for the US and not for Russia. The US will go right up to the use of nuclear weapons and so will the Russians. This is Game Theory 101. Only a coup in the US will stop that.

"Hungary can retain NATO membership but not commit itself with actions of which it disapproves" IIRC NATO Article 5 is not compulsory on any member. I assume Hungary wants to insure that if it doesn't go along with an Article 5 call, it won't be kicked out of NATO, which is another issue. Personally I think they should just get out of NATO now while they can. Once WWIII starts, they're gonna want to be on the Russian side otherwise the West will invade them to get to Russia and then Russia will be forced to eliminate Hungary.

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Jun 1Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

Jon Elmer is great, definitely a must-watch. Paints a very different picture of things on the ground. BTW, he pointed out that the Resistance never targets mil-evac helicopters, I was thinking about that. Far more pain for the enemy to let the wounded survive, as they'll be a drain on the Israeli state, and a demoralising sight for their population to see the hideously wounded survivors walking around them.

I used to think Israel might last just shy of it's 100th 'birth'day, 2048 window, but now it's not looking good to outlast the 2020s.

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Yes, I've been impressed with Hamas' professionalism in this war. These guys learned some things over the years and possibly also as a result of having been advised or mentored by folks from Hezbollah and Iran.

I foresee Israel being destroyed as a state, most of the Jewish population who won't accommodate a Palestinian state being forced to leave - and as a bonus the US will be driven out of the Middle East. Unfortunately I suspect this may take some years and a major war throughout the region involving Iran, Iraq, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Yemen, perhaps Jordan, Egypt and Turkey as well. Going to be a big mess but in the end the Israel-Palestine issue will be resolved as these things usually are - by a war with winners and losers.

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Jun 1Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

It's always amazing to me to see the declining Empires (US, UK, IS, EU) incapable of dealing with reality and settling to a new state of affairs (and keeping SOMETHING after the dust settles). These are the people who want it all, but will end up with 100% of nothing instead of 50% of something. Hungry Ghosts.

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One thing that stands out about the West in recent years is its lack of grip on reality.

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Cheers Richard - good to hear from you.

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Jun 2Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

The USA is still the only country to use nuclear weapons, and that was said to be to save the lives of maybe millions of US, UK and allied service men. Ukraine is desperately trying to destroy the nuclear power station [a nuclear bomb] to spread radiation across Eastern Europe and into Russia. What would the West feel if Russia exploded a nuclear bomb in a low population area of Western Ukraine when there is an easterly wind blowing radiation towards the west as a demonstration to the rump of Ukraine and NATO that Ukraine should surrender NOW [like Japan did]. It could be said that Russia is trying to stop the slaughter of its men and brothers in the meat grinder of Ukraine and also shorten the war before the West actually starts WW3 with their stupidity - realistically the West is setting out to destroy all of Europe, the Middle East and possibly the rest of the world with their policies.

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The deluded Z is trying to convince people that the Russians have the Zaporozhye NP Station mined ready to explode and are holding the IAEA people hostage. - Doh!

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Jun 1Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

Ehud Barak talks about the 8th decade phenomenon and doesn't think Israel will make it passed 80. I think as a warning to NATO countries if Russia targets a country they will target the NATO member most other members dislike the most and who has limited strategic independence- Britain. They will most likely target an area with small population density where there are issues over territorial sovereignty that have never been resolved within proximity of larger urban conurbations...the debatable lands for eg.

I was thinking about what the demise of the Great Z reminds of. I know people mention the bunker etc but the more vivid his physical deterioration the more i think he looks like Al Pacino in Scarface.

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Sounds a little like the Borders - and many people in Berwick on Tweed want to be part of Scotland.

Know what you mean about Z: his make up people need to do some work on him.

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Jun 1Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

Nice update Rob. Many thanks.

An interesting tangent on whether or not the Voronezh DM radar was hit and whether it was fake news.. We will never really know.

I read somewhere that the Orsk DM radar was targeted as well. By a suicide plane from Ukraine.

I believe the strike distance quoted was 1500 kilometres.

Incidentally I am sure people have seen the content and thoughts that Simplicus put up last weekend? including the video of an ATACMS cluster strike on the S400 air defence.

Scary stuff.

I am finding it increasingly difficult to understand the mindset of the military sheeple in NATO (and that includes all personnel, soldiers etc) that are slowly following orders that could finally lead to WW3.

Unable to think for themselves, question who they are really fighting for or separate fact from fiction.

Once again great update and lets see how things stand and what gets blown up next week!

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There are many things I am reporting on which may not be true. I try to avoid scary stuff but Simplicius is great for detailed analysis - if you have an afternoon to spare!

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Jun 1·edited Jun 1

Yes, I know what you mean, Simplicus' blog is a fairly long read at the best of time.

But his in depth analysis and theories are well worth the read when they come along.

He went into great detail on the ATACM attack on the air defence..

About how effective it may be against older RU stuff like S300/S400 and possibly even S500s..

Food for thought on just how close we are to Armageddon thanks to a bunch of nazi lovers and insane Western escalation.

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