May 25Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

The biggest development of the week happened in the last 48 hours when ATACMS took out a major Russian Early warning installation on Russia's east Black Sea coast. This MUST have been targeted by NATO and could leave part of Russia defenceless against a US pre-emptive nuclear attack. They are trying to escalate because 'the west' is losing the ground war. Russia will probably retaliate by taking out the Black Sea drones BUT the real problem is US/UK satellites. The war may now extend to space.

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See my reply above about the radar station.

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I knew about the ATACMS but not the radar station - thanks.

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May 25Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

I nominate the ICC for the Nobel Prize for its courageous and completely correct decision. It is interesting to see Senator Graham say the US politicians oppose it because "If they do this to Israel, we will be next." Really! After all the lives destroyed and people killed by USA and other Western actions. I think it was Madeleine Albright who said the 500,000 Iraqi children killed during the US invasion was an OK price to pay to capture Saddam Hussein.

I would also nominate the entire West for the Ignobel Prize for stupidity and probably the Darwin Award for finally destroying the West's credibility on all things.

Tim Watkins at the Consciousness of Sheep blog site often examines the role of British upper class, politicians and bankers have used the British and empire population and resources for their own benefit with just a few 'crusts' thrown to the poor. This has been no different to other western countries such as Canada, Australia and USA.

When the West led a coup against the elected government of Ukraine in 2014, the newly installed unelected government effectively declared war on the Russian speaking people in Eastern Ukraine and something like 14,000 died from torture, artillery and terror squads [nazi or Banderites] from Western Ukraine.

It sounds like events in 'Z's Ukraine are closely following what I remember of my schoolboy history of Nazi German defeat as the USSR grew stronger.

Despite Russia wanting to join NATO and work closely with Western Europe, the "West" has repeated turned them down. It did not stop Russia from selling it natural resources at a discount to Western Europe. Now because the West imposed sanctions of Russia, blew up the Nordstream pipelines and stolen Russian money and companies, the European industrial base has collapsed. Russia quite rightly is doing what is best for them and is selling its resources elsewhere and that effectively will return Europe to being a backward part of Eurasia that it was until the 1400 and 1500s.

Commiserations to the Iranian people.

Please think about how our Western governments are supporting the Israeli holocaust against the Palestinian people who are being bombed, starved, tortured and dying in their thousands - possibly because Jewish bankers are holding the purse strings.

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Thanks for that.

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May 24·edited May 24Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

Great update Rob. Ukraine is in the dying throes now. If only someone in power could see sense and spare a few lives. But I guess it will go on a bit longer still,

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May 24Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

Brave decision by Edinburgh born Karim Khan. No doubt his brother's jail sentence will be played out to demonise him by association. I did a check on the German WW2 casualties by month. Following the collapse of Army Group Centre during Operation Bagration in June 1944 the German casualty figures exploded. Literally Millions of Germans, Russians and other allied Allied troops could have been saved if the Germans had capitulated in 1943 when the war was clearly lost. Ukraine's 1943 is nearly over 1944 is fast approaching. Estonia has an active armed force of about 7k. Good luck Estonia. You'll need it.

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I agree - there were more casualties in the final year of WW2 than in any previous year. This war should end before its 'Bagration' moment decimates Ukrainian manhood completely.

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May 24Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

Sorry i meant to add according to Scott Ritter the German army inflicted the greatest casualties on the US forces in April 1945. Although Ukraine is fatally wounded the Russians should still tread with care.

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The Russians are treading with care, else they would be in Kiev now. I read over a year ago that the Russians had budgeted for a 30-month war. Right on schedule.

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May 26Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

When i was a kid i was petrified of nuclear armageddon. I still remember nightmares after watching The Day After. I vividly remember a short story in English classes about a guy would finds a valley that hasn't been contaminated by nuclear fall out. And yet, here we are potentially walking into nuclear war without a care in the world. The MSN is really failing us. The political class is really deluded. Britain is pulling in various directions between the different nations and the Tories are talking about national service.

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We must be of a similar age because I also had nightmares in which I could see multiple mushroom nuclear explosions in the distance. Regarding areas that have not yet been contaminated, did you see 'On The Beach?'. I have thought for years that the Western ruling class, for various reasons, is completely out of touch with reality. This is why many of its actions take the form of 'own goals' such as sanctions on Russia. But in the context of nuclear war this departure from reality is much more worrying. I'll be talking about Sunak in the next update.

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"According to the Wall Street Journal, Iran is expected to...continue to develop its nuclear weapons program" - which they don't have.

Kaja Kallas is an idiot, of course, but as to where they found her, well, for a Prime Minister she's not bad looking, so I suspect that's how she got where she is. Can we get someone like that who doesn't look like Hillary Clinton?

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You probably know of the philosophical debate that's been going on during the past decades regarding the supposed postmodern 'triumph' of form over content. I was going to hold her up as an example of that: she's there because she looks good. I have no idea whether Iran has nuclear weapons or intends to develop them - but this would appear to conflict with their religious principles - so they say.

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May 26Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

Now it is becoming more well known that the US or one or more of it NATO pets have destroyed an a nuclear early warning system, I wonder a) if this means that Russia would launch nuclear missiles at the West because it can no longer be sure of what is coming its way, or b) more accidents will happen to US water systems or oil pipelines/refineries, or critical networks or electricity lines?

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I don't like to dwell too much on the nuclear possibilities but I did watch Daniel Davis interview Ted Postol, which was scary: https://youtu.be/tQGlPaHeitw

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May 24Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

Great write up, thanks 🙌

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With regard to the radar station in Crimea, The Military Chronicle had this to say this morning: 'Against the backdrop of numerous strikes on Crimea and Belgorod, public attention was not drawn to the Voronezh-DM strategic radar. On the night of May 23, drones or missiles of the Armed Forces of Ukraine attacked the radar station and severely damaged it (photos in the TG channel). These over-the-horizon radars are designed for early detection of US intercontinental nuclear missiles. There are about a dozen such radars and they are directly related to the nuclear triad.' It will be in the next Update.

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