Jan 20Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

Thank you for your hard work in putting this together.

One correction: South Africa is not using the ICC, which was established in 1998, and has been used mostly to prosecute recalcitrant African leaders. (And now Putin, of course.) It's basically a rules-based order court, used by the Empire, even though the US is not a signatory.

The ICJ was established in 1945, with the founding of the UN, and is a court where countries can take their grievances against other countries, unlike the ICC, which is used to target leaders.

The US lost a case to Nicaragua in 1986, when Nicaragua sued to stop the US from mining their harbors.

The lawless US refused to pay reparations, of course. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicaragua_v._United_States

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Thanks for that Richard. I knew that I'd make a big mistake one day but this is the first big one that someone has pointed out. I've altered the text and replaced the ICC image with one of the ICJ. Glad my work is appreciated.

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Jan 20Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

Thank you for your compilation.

Regarding Trump: Even If he is a Israel supporter, he will, after the Israelis have messed up everything, try to keep away damage from the US and call for a deal to end this war which also weakens the reputation and international standing of His country.

He is a dealmaking businessman who cares for his country.

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Thanks Johannes. I agree with your assessment of Trump. He's a businessman and a patriot - not a saviour or a fascist.

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Another excellent recap of events.

"Predictably, the legacy media (MSNBC and CNN) is talking about the end of democracy and the rise of fascism."

Trump is a fascist. What the MEM don't mention is that THEY support "the end of democracy and the rise of fascism" under THEIR preferred leaders. Don't fall into the "either/or" binary trap. We anarchists would point out that ANY state is "the end of democracy and the rise of fascism." That includes Russia and China, by the way, despite some people thinking both are "the Good Guys". There are no "Good Guys". Some states are just better at selling BS to their populations than others. They recognize that keeping their populations more or less "happy" - or at least not disgruntled enough to revolt - is how they stay in power. Some countries - like the US and the EU - aren't that smart.

"Ukraine conflict is inextricably bound to his fate." No, it's not. It's only bound the will of the Russians. As every pro-Russian analyst has said, Ukraine has already lost. That will be even more obvious than now long before Trump takes office in January, 2025. Then the problem will be what does Trump do about the Middle East, given his devotion to Israel based on his daughter and her Zionist husband. Pulling out of Ukraine just to start a war with Iran - if Biden hasn't already started it - is nothing to the purpose.

People who think Trump is some sort of "savior" from the Deep State are idiots. Every time I hear "Trump prevented a war with Iran" - like someone said just yesterday on Napolitano IIRC - irritates me no end. As Martyanov pointed out, Trump was willing to attack Iran after the drone shootdown. Contrary to what that person said yesterday, Trump did not pull back just because he thinks war is wrong. He got scared when Iran sent a back channel message via the Swiss that if one US rocket landed on an empty beach, they would retaliate with everything they had. Martyanov says US planes were in the air when they got "painted" by Iranian long-range radar far from Iran. Trump turned them back out of narcissistic fear that he would be BLAMED for the shootdown of those planes and the deaths of thousands of US military in their bases. The one thing a narcissist doesn't like is to be considered at fault for a disaster. Like Obama with Syria (and Iran), Trump doesn't want to be blamed for starting a new war - UNLESS the "enemy" can be clearly blamed for starting it.

"Sadly, it is possible that Israel could escape sanction (for the time being) due to a legal technicality." The only technicality I'm aware of is that Israel claims South Africa "doesn't have standing" - which is incorrect as many have pointed out that the Convention allows any signatory to bring an action against any other signatory suspected of violating the Convention.

Looking forward to next week's post, Rob.

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Thanks for you comments. Hey - I'm not one who believes that Trump is some sort of saviour but I believe the Deep State doesn't want him in power because it cannot control him. But I don't think he's a fascist either. I take your point about Russia having a greater say in Ukraine's future, which could be the case. As for the technicality, I'll report on it again this week.

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Jan 19Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

Thanks Rob. As always, a very good read.

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