Jun 14Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

Thank you so much.

I really hate to say it, but if NATO weapons come directly from a NATO country and hit Russia, that is an attack on Russia and, in my mind, NATO has then declared war on Russia, so consequently Russia is allowed to defend itself from attack. Oh God!

According to the 'Top War' website, the Atlantic Council is admitting the US and UK are unable to stop the Houthi attacks which have now spread to neighbouring areas. I saw one report with a picture, which could be faked, of a hole in the top of a US carrier. I also read a report that the carrier was unable to land its regular supply planes. Just imagine the impact on the US if they lost one or more carriers to modern weapons as the West is telling Ukraine to hit Russia with Western weapons.

I had seen the picture of old men in the Ukrainian forces and thought of those old Germans in late WW2.

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I saw the same photo of the hole in the aircraft carrier but I didn't report on it because some were saying that it was photoshopped. I haven't seen any reports about it and I have looked -so I left it alone. Glad you enjoyed it.

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Jun 15Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

Really well done Rob. I like your approach. Short explanation, short edited quotes usually except important issues, with a source ref for more info, and a little light humour along the way. No hand waving. Great stuff.

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That's one of the best compliments I've had. That is what I try to do. Cheers.

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Jun 14Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

I think i said before most of the Russian hating neocons are East European descent. Janet Yellen, not a neocon just Russian hating, is Polish descent. Those idiot Azov probably dont realise that is the Kriegsmarine flag they have up. They should read the German Hunger Plan to see what the Nazis did to the Ukrainians. There was an interesting article in the Cradle about the IDF having peaked militarily. Apparently, thats why the Americans are desperate for a ceasefire. The IDF is facing defeat. It seems to me that Ukraine reached peak point last year and its all downhill from there. Its just continual slaughter now and its clear the West cares as little for the Ukrainians as the Nazis did. As history has taught us the real slaughter starts once the defences collapse.

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That's amazing - you obviously know a lot about these things. I appreciate that Barbarossa was the start of a genocide on the one hand and the imposition of slavery on the other. From what I have read, the IDF is in danger of suffering the same fate as the Wizard of OZ did after being exposed by Dorothy. I would love to see that happen.

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Jun 15Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

Great update Rob.

Nice delve into the hated TCC commissar pondlife in Ukraine as well.

I have been following the growing public negative attitudes to their mobilisation effort on intel slava and legitim for a long time now

Strange how the public hatred of mobilisation does not manifest itself in those soldiers once they are at the front being senselessly picked off by UAVs in their foxholes.

Surrenders are increasing but it goes to show how effective the blocking detachments are.

I just cannot see that going on for much longer and that is when the front cracks.

The peace offer Putin made is fair and is more or less closer to what was agreed in Turkey 2 years ago.

The fact it was derided so quickly by the West and its puppet Z. confirms, again, their sinister ulterior motives.

They are still not getting the message that the Western ruling era is finished, so it is onto more pointless bloodshed and destruction!

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Surrenders are not significant as yet - around 30 a week according to the Russian MoD weekly reports. But unrest is growing in opposition to the draconian way in which people are mobilised. As a politician, Putin is immense. I'll be doing a special on him next Update. Cheers.

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Jun 15Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

An edifying precis of the week's events. Thanks.

Re terror attacks to rile the Russians. It failed in Beslan, and elsewhere, and will fail again. The Russians are made of sterner stuff.

Soon we will likely see an upping of the ante with symmetrical support for groups fighting the US in the Middle East and elsewhere. This will greatly increase the cost of supporting Ukraine.

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Jun 17Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

I was wondering what the US is going to do vise-a-vie their support of Taiwan. Will they try to start something there to rally support for its empire? If they lost several aircraft carriers [2-4] either around the Persian Gulf, Red Sea or Med, is their strategy for world domination even viable anymore? The US still imports lots of crude oil as their shale does not contain heavier sections needed to run the transport system. Europe would also be extremely worried about even more, such as oil, gas, food, technology etc. This might mean that Europe is forced to go begging to Russia for its resources as US LNG is 3-4 times more expensive and consequently will be forced to admit they have failed.

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I don't think its strategy is viable - air craft carriers are too vulnerable. As for Europe, some believe that it will inevitably start trading with Russia in time because it makes economic sense.

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Jun 15Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

Do you think if Scotland openly supports Russia we might get banned from international sporting events? Just an idea. Sahra Wagenknecht you mentioned is an interesting character. Surprised to see she is married to Lafontaine.

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I had to look him up - but they don't appear to be suitable bedfellows, politically or otherwise. (Scotland were so sad last night). Oh and BTW, I was plagiarised on the MoA by Lavrov's Dog - not sure if it was intentional or not. I was using a metaphour in relation to a political scientist who had 'woken up' regarding the so called Russian threat. You may have read that I said 'She has faced up to the truth that most Western politicians, fighting against an irresistible global and historical force, dare not look in the eye - just as Perseus dare not look at Medusa.' I thought it was such an appropriate metaphour. Lavrov's canine companion was out of order really, but I took it as a compliment.

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Jun 15Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

My partner is from Germany. Her grandfather was a moorsoldaten thats how i heard of Lafontaine and a little bit German.

I found it. Its a clear lift and he doesn't credit you. I'd take it as a compliment it was a good metaphor. There was a big spat between Finkelstein and Dershowitz a few years ago. Finkelstein called out Dershowitz for plagiarism and in the end Dershowitz got Finkelstein sacked from his teaching post etc. It was a harbinger of what is happening now in the Israel debate.

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I had an apology from Lavrov's dog for not referencing me when he used the quote.

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My partner is from Germany. Her grandfather was a moorsoldaten thats how i heard of Lafontaine and a little bit German.

I found it. Its a clear lift and he doesn't credit you. I'd take it as a compliment it was a good metaphor. There was a big spat between Finkelstein and Dershowitz a few years ago. Finkelstein called out Dershowitz for plagiarism and in the end Dershowitz got Finkelstein sacked from his teaching post etc. It was a harbinger of what is happening now in the Israel debate.

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