16 hrs agoLiked by Dr. Rob Campbell

As someone who has entirely discontinued consuming Western mainstream media and has broken free from the confines of controlled perspectives & false narratives, it is rejuvenating to come across content like this. I also take great pleasure in following numerous Telegram channels that aren't Russophobic in nature, and I rely on credible sources such as Simplicius and a handful of other reliable Substack writers for alternative media consumption.

Vladimir Putin emphasizes the crucial role that media should play in establishing a just world order by providing people with an unbiased and untainted representation of global events.

The corrupt, belligerent US-led West and its ambiguous "rules-based international order," which seems to be threatened by such transparency. The Empire of Lies,, cannot afford to see its own deception exposed, and would prefer a nuclear catastrophe over relinquishing its hegemonic grip on the world.

It's a pity that I wasn't "red-pilled" earlier in my life, as I would have undoubtedly seized the opportunity to relocate to Russia, a nation that aligns more closely with the values I grew up with in the UK during the 1970s. Back then, cooler heads prevailed during the Cold War, but now, the situation has devolved into a cesspool of lies and corruption. As I watch my homeland descend into the chaos of wokeness, with even graver consequences looming on the horizon, courtesy of a succession of traitorous governments, I can't help but feel a deep sense of regret for not making the move sooner. Thanks, Richard.

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Cheers Richard,

I can relate to much of what you say. I thought I had been 'red pilled' when I discovered Marxism and feminism 30 years ago- and I was to an extent. But I was red pilled again in 2018 - but that's too long a story.

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Another good one, Rob.

"If a ‘palace coup’ has indeed been carried out then Krainer believes this could involve a different relationship with Israel: a relationship in which the US will refuse to back Israel if they escalate"

Hopium reigns supreme. I expected this sort of thinking, and I was not disappointed. Most of the so-called "analysts" are now declaring US support for Israel in a wider war is "unlikely".

This is utter nonsense. There is an obvious difference between attacking the most powerful nuclear weapon nation in the world - and bombing some Third World pipsqueak of a nation like Lebanon - or even Iran. That's how the Pentagon - which has been bombing these nations for the last fifty years - views the countries of the Middle East.

They also do not grasp, as Crooke has said and Martyanov says daily, that there has been a se-change in tactics by those countries, summed up as: 1) go underground, and 2) use missile. this makes the Pentagon over-confident, despite the proven failure of air power to achieve much of anything except destruction of civilian infrastructure.

Add to that the utter control the Zionist Lobby and the donor class have on the morons in Congress, and there is absolutely zero chance, whatever the Pentagon may think, that the US won't directly - with boots on the ground - support Israel in Lebanon. The boots may not go in right away, but they will end up there once Israel gets its ass kicked by Hezbollah.

Read my Substack articles that Rob linked to: I lay it all out in long, excruciating, tl;dr detail.

As for the Israeli pager attack, almost everyone of the "analysts" are baffled as to what Israel intended, whether it was a prelude to invasion, or a botched attack because Hezbollah found out in advance. To me, it's painfully obvious: It was simply another provocation intended to get Hezbollah to over-react so Netanyahu can blame them for the war.

I also explained that psychology in my Substack articles. But all the analysts are so shocked by Israel's apparent total defiance of any international legal norms that they can't step back and understand. I can't wait for Crooke to explain it to them, as I expect he gets it.

It's clear that this was a long-term Mossad plan - possibly with CIA and Mi6 help - which is why numerous devices were tampered with. Ed Snowden posted a tweet on X about how the CIA intercepts items at airports for tampering. It seems clear that the Hungarian company involved - run by a Jewish American with ties to the government - was part of the project.

The fact that it affected items other than pagers and cell phones allegedly used by Hezbollah (to a minimal degree, according to Elijah Magnier) is proof that it's more a provocation than an invasion operation. The other possibility is that those other devices simply exploded on their own due to faulty manufacturing and it's a coincidence it happened during the pager attack - stranger things have happened, and things do explode every day, it's just never reported on.

As for the whether the Houthis had a "hypersonic" missile - it seems clear they did based on the speed, but it's more complicated than that - that is also referenced in my Substack articles.

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Cheers Richard

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13 hrs ago·edited 12 hrs agoLiked by Dr. Rob Campbell

Thanks for the great update Rob. Like you say the the RF are doing well in the Kursk region.

I read that the RF were in the location of Sverdlikovo on the Colonel Cassad/ Boris Rozhin telegram site. (lots of other interesting stuff there)

What with Uspenovka reached last week the UA could potentially lose that entire army if they keep up their futile attacks in the North and East of the salient.

What they are trying to achieve by the frontal incursions from the Ukraine border into Glushkovo region etc I don't know but it is borderline insane. (perhaps some undesirables are being culled)

Also it is a pity some of the Pentagons grasp of reality hasn't worn off on EU parliament heads what with their deathwish vote on allowing the use of long range weapons in Russia or perhaps on the escalatory UK ex 'Defence?' ministers calling for the same.

They have all been sucked into the Russia bad/ nazis good / Donbass resources belong to West mode of thinking.

Crazy times. But lets see what happens next week.

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I think it's all about image which must be positive in order to attract funders - It's that basic IMV. If men and materiel must be sacrificed in order to secure Western funding in a 'fantasy invasion of Russia' then so be it. Crazy time indeed.

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14 hrs agoLiked by Dr. Rob Campbell

Making America Great Again Is not about world domination. It’s a brilliant brand by Trump capturing the backlash to the existing corrupt oligarchy in the United States that is more concerned about their own wealth, power, and virtue signaling.

Maga is a backlash to the continuation of President Wilson’s techno elite that combines a cultural strain of Christianity, without the religious, acting as missionaries and using the power of government to impose their ideas in the us and abroad. A benevolent dictatorship run by a small credentialed elite that hates Trump.

Maga has a belief other countries problems are not the us, which is why he was willing to confront Europe and other countries on one sided deals with the U.S.

It’s amazing how much the worlds western elites hate Trump and maga.

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Cheers for that Ray. I have been following MAGA supporters for years - though less so due to the time spent on the Update in recent years. One I dip into now and again is 'Paint the Trump'. Do you know him? Anyway, as an old lefty I began to realise that I had more in common with these guys than my erstwhile comrades on the pseudo left.

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Just spotted an article that says what I said: this page thing was a long-term project.

Israel had hand in manufacturing pagers that exploded in Lebanon: Source



with this type of "supply chain interdiction" operation having been planned for at least 15 years, a U.S. intelligence source confirmed to ABC News.

The CIA has long been reluctant to employ this tactic because the risk to innocents was too high, the source said.

Planning for the attack involved shell companies, with multiple layers of Israeli intelligence officers and their assets fronting a legitimate company that produced the pagers, the source confirmed to ABC News, with at least some of those doing the work unaware of who they were actually working for.


Then there's this:

Bombs in toys: A brief history of Israeli booby traps in Lebanon

The pager attack is not the first time Israel has been accused of planting bombs in civilian objects


Zionists just love killing children...

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Thanks Richard. The zionist psychotic aggression is off the scale.

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Thanks Rob for another great update on the global situation. Essential reading. As the late great Hunter S. Thompson wrote " when the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." We are at that stage now.

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