
I'm not sure there will be sufficient interest to do it so it's good to hear someone who thinks it's a good idea. Cheers.

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Of course - if the philosophising thing gets going it will be an optional extra. I won't be stopping the Updates. You may not know that I was doing the Updates for well over a year for family and friends before going on substack. It's a worthwhile thing to do because most people don't have the time to delve deeply into it and they may not want the sort of detail that many commentators provide. It's good to be appreciated - thanks.

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In the sense that philosophy or philosophising do not deal with facts, they are very different from the Update which deals with what are presented to me as facts. Much of philosophy is esoteric but most philosophising is not. We all philosophise to an extent as part of life. If you read the preface and the introduction you will get a better idea of what is involved in philosophising. For many years I ran a philosophising service (the Praxis) with the motto: bringing philosophy to life. That's what Socrates did, quite literally.

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Sep 16, 2023Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

I lived for 30 years around the world (The Hard Way) and faced a violent death on a number of occasions but it does give you a birds eye view of things instead of the usual narrow mindedness ; moreover as a life long passionate reader of history I'm not trapped in the prison of the present but by using my imagination as a time machine I can flit off to any era, providing I have done enough reading before hand ; ergo I use history books as a time travel guide and take my vacations in the past as a ''Time Nomad'' !

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I've lived a sheltered life compared to you but I've done lots of different things and lived in many different places. I've no complaints really. And history has been my constant companion since I was a child.

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Sep 9, 2023Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

Great Idea.

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Sep 9, 2023Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

I very much appreciate your articles - please do continue to share your views with us.

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Sep 9, 2023Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

Are your summaries of world events the opposite of philosophising? They are very factual and concise. Isn't philosophising pondering about more esoteric things? I would be interested to find out more, as my background is very different to this - Maths/Sience.

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