Jun 19Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

Nazi Germany was heavily influenced by the US. The Nazis were big into Eugenics which culminated in the extermination policies initially visited upon the disabled and which moved on to whole ethnic groups. Therexwas a series of cases. You might find the case of Buck v Bell interesting. It was from 1927 and the famous judge Okiver Wendell Homes presided. The Nazis were definitely alert to the US approach to its weak and infirm and their treatment of the native Americans populace.

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Jun 19Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

Lots of food for thought again Rob. 'Bewitchment' as it relates to 'enchantment' and sorcery in general is a thought provoking verb or adverb in as much as it suggests 'intention'. The focus on 'wokism' in that context brought to mind jesuits and puritans, which were 16th and 17th century manifestations of similar phenomena of cultural policing. Both were very 'convenient' for the imperial christian church of Rome on the one hand and the imperial church of England on the other in their individual efforts to systematise individual beliefs to formats acceptable to either of those imperial projects.

According to the dodgy oracle (google), "Woke is a political slang adjective derived from African-American Vernacular English (AAVE) originally meaning alertness to racial prejudice and discrimination. Beginning in the 2010s, it came to encompass a broader awareness of social inequalities such as racial injustice, sexism, and denial of LGBT rights."

The dating of 2010 and the sleight-of-hand of 'it came to encompass' demonstrates a chronological relationship to the credit-meltdown of 2007-8 and a suggestion that its bacterial-like growth or expansion was natural or organic rather than 'stimulated' and/or encouraged because it suited the existing authority structures. Woke can be seen as an attack on the individual freedoms enshrined in the Bill of Rights via some form of obtuse literalism, which reflects the political functionalism of both the jesuits and the puritans. Neither were allowed to be criticised - much like the 'anti-semitic' defence mechanism attached to zionism. The Imperial Project of our time is the Finacial imperium that has ensconced itself in Washington DC. The whole is known by some to be the 'Collective Waste' although they prefer their lackeys to call it 'the rules based order'.

In as much as jesuitism and puritanism have been reduced over time to individual psychological ailments so will wokism - hopefully just a neurosis and not a psychosis.

So many other thoughts around 'Wokism, Education and the Law' have been stimulated by the article, so thanks again.

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Thanks Dude - very thoughtful comments. I think Wokism is already on the way out but it will take time as the 'collective waste' (lovely phrase) catches up with the Multi-polar World Order.

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

I have a simple solution to this: misanthropy. Hate everyone because they're human (I don't like animals, either - and I damn sure don't like insects, because I have gnats in my room.) I don't have time to distinguish between races or sexes or religions. The Woke crowd are really going to love me. :-)

Your method of avoiding Woke by being isolated is the way to go. The best way is to say nothing about other groups of people or other social phenomenon. If one has a strictly individualist orientation, all that is irrelevant. What matters is what you do. Minimize contact with people as much as possible. If one dislikes humans, it's easy. One can make money these days without ever coming in contact with people in a social situation, thanks to the Internet. AI will make this even easier, as many people are running one-person + AI businesses these days.

Or become a hacker. Get your money from the cretins who are ruining the world by simply stealing it. Only person you have to interact with is a machine.

Now the only problem to solve is: how to get laid. Women tend to be big "Woke" types. LOL Of course, once you have money, that may not be a problem. Or you can just not ever mention to a female that you don't believe in Woke. If you have Game, you can probably get by.

Bottom line: Don't concern yourself with social movements. Robert Ringer and Harry Browne both suggested this in their books. Social movements are a waste of everyone's time. Concentrate on your own purpose and intentions. Monitor, but otherwise ignore, the chimpanzees.

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Thanks Richard. Being isolated works for me.

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Jun 17Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

More worrying than 'wokism' is the misuse of language by the Zionists. If you accuse Israel of genocide you are labelled 'anti-semitic'. I have often pointed out that the correct term is 'anti-Zionist', as many of my Jewish friends, like myself, are anti-Zionist. I was waiting for the inevitable Zionist, word-twisting comeback to this, and it came this week - the term 'anti-Zionist' is now described by Zionists as 'weasel words'.

As for the woke brigade, another term comes to mind: precious. Not being able to speak your opinions frankly without being threatened with either litigation, or punishment, weakens society, if they are not directed at an individual.

All that I see these precious hate-speech laws doing is weakening individuals, because, racism aside, it strengthens character to be able to withstand criticism and insults. They also pave the way for lawyers' picnics.

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Thanks Joy - The Zionists weaponise language in the same way as Wokists. It was awful when I was in the Labour Party with the attacks on Corbyn.

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Jun 18Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

Yes. Corbyn was the best political leader that Britain had seen in decades, and the Zionists shot him down with exactly that conflating Anti-Zionism with Anti-Semitism BS, doing Britain a huge disservice.

I am vey unexcited about Tory-lite Starmer. And garage is ghastly. Pity help Britain.

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I'll be voting for George Galloway's party - even though it won't win in our constituency.

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Jun 19Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

Another great politician but inconsistent in his views on the right of self determination. He was a decent football player. He played as a youth for a team managed by my grandfather in Dundee. I think he has the older Irish Catholic descendant fear that an independent Scotland will parallel Northern Ireland. A fear which younger generations like me dont have.

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I met him once - a long time ago.

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Jun 20Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

I remember two great words from him: indefatigability and lickspittle.

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* Farage )*&)^ autocorrect.

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I suspect the best natural politician Britain has had in a generation is actually Alec Salmond and look what happened to him. In fairness to Corbyn he never had a chance. Right from the off he was subject to subversion from within. Its a strange observation i make, but Corbyn was in a similar situation to Trump when he was President and now. The two have nothing in common in their politics but what both did was represent a threat to unseen establishment order with their non conformity. Salmond also was a genuine threat to the establishment. Given the easy ride Starmer has been given he clearly fits the mould.

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I joined the Labour Party when Corbyn was elected leader and started to get the moribund party operating again in Montgomeryshire constituency. I was Chair for a year and my wife was secretary. We resurrected 4 branches and received hundreds of new members. We wouldn't have missed it for the world but it was awful. Politics is not for me and the party administration was a complete shambles. And the demonisation of Corbyn was so, so unfair.

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