Aug 5Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

I think that the boxer you mentioned was born a girl and has always thought that she was a girl and has been raised up as a girl. She has been to previous Olympics without issue and has indeed lost bouts to other women, nine I think. Maybe the issue is that she has got better at boxing and people are looking for fault and grinding their various axes.

Everyone that participates in Boxing is there to punch the opponent and inflict pain. It's a bit rich to get punched and then complain, after all evasion is one of the skills of the pugilist.

It also seems extraordinary to me that she could be a male yet compete as a female, it's not like you just rock up and claim to a woman no matter what you look like and are allowed to compete as such. I smell the outrage of the ignorant and it is a stinking brew.

If there are problems they lie with the ruling parameters of eligibility not the individual who might not have had a clue that they were different except that they were physically more adept than their peers. But this would be the same with any Olympic athlete. They are not run of the mill people, they are exceptional and have honed their gifts and that has made them even more exceptional

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I don't go into many stories in depth so I run the risk of overlooking things that are important. I'm still not sure whether this 'woman' had a penis or not btw. Thanks to you and Joy for pointing this out. It's a little late, but I'll delete reference to the boxer - if I can.

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Aug 4Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

I recently read about a man who, caught driving in the bus lane said that he identified as a bus. British humour.

I also noticed, on a trip to Scotland last year, that there was a much higher proportion of transgender people on the streets of the major cities, than what we see here in Oz.

Unfortunately, scientists are finding that there are intersex people, whose Y gene has shifted from the Y chromosome, and who develop female characteristics. The boxer mentioned is a case in point. However, these people can have the musculature of males, so having them compete in sport against women is still unfair. Because they are XY, they should not be allowed to compete against women in sporting events.

My thoughts on women's changing rooms, prisons, and women's refuges, is that if the person has a penis they need to stay out.

As for woke terminology, an individual demanding that people refer to him/her as 'they' is inane (and insane).

I see a lot of this as a product of our urbanisation, and relatively luxurious living. It has made a lot of people precious about themselves, because life is no longer a struggle for existence.

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Aug 7Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

Bruce Sterling (SF writer) has a novel 'The Artificial Kid', with a character who is 'neuter' and is referred to as 'it', which I think is quite amusing.

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I don't go into many stories in depth so I run the risk of overlooking things that are important. I'm still not sure whether this 'woman' had a penis or not btw. Thanks to you and Chris for pointing this out. It's a little late, but I'll delete reference to the boxer - if I can.

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I'm in Scotland, as you know, but I avoid cities. Thanks for that.

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Aug 4Liked by Dr. Rob Campbell

Nice to see you back. Hope you're refreshed.

I grew up with Michael Bentine's 'It's a square world' wonderfully crazy... However, the notion that his wacky sense of humour would have defined what we think of as 'reality' then would not have been considered. Actually, The gender fluid thing when taken literally is hilarious - I'm looking forward to TPTB enforcing general compliance to the notion that if I feel like a billionaire banks should credit my bank account accordingly or be legally punished.


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Cheers Dude.

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