This is another "perfect storm" situation driven by neocon fanatics in the US allied with ethnic fanatics in another country - that is, Israel equates to Ukraine.
Until the fanatics in all three countries are driven out, there will be no solution. Unfortunately, only in Ukraine is that likely to happen since Russia will likely drive out the western Ukrainian nationalist fanatics and Nazis.
The Zionists in Israel may be driven out depending on how the war there develops. If Hezbollah enters the war, the US will attack Hezbollah. This will bring in Iran, which is what the neocons are hoping for since they want the US to destroy Iran. Unfortunately for their plans - as usual - Israel and the US will lose the war against Hezbollah and Iran. In the process, Israel will be devastated by Hezbollah and Iranian missiles which will cause the economy to collapse. Israeli forces will be defeated by the 100,000-strong Hezbollah, aided by militias and possibly national armies from other Arab nations.
It is even possible that Turkey, where Erdogan wants to reassert his leadership of the Arab Brotherhood, may enter the war against Israel. If that happens, Israel is doomed as Turkey's military is much larger, better equipped, and the Turks are tough soldiers. The US can not afford to engage Turkey's military, since Turkey is part of NATO, and is not afraid of the US forces in the region. This was explicitly stated back during the Iraq war by Turkish generals when the US was trying to force Turkey not to engage the Kurds in northern Iraq.
The real problem is "The Samson Option". This is where Israel, on the verge of losing militarily, will resort to using its nuclear weapons. The only solution to that problem will be Russia and China. Russia probably knows where Israel's missile sites are located. Russia's Kinzhal hypersonic missiles can destroy those sites with conventional warheads without even leaving the Black Sea, or via missiles fired from Russian submarines in the Med. The remaining problem will be Israel's German-made diesel submarines which are reportedly equipped with cruise missiles armed with nuclear warheads. This might be dealt with by Russian and Chinese attack subs if they can find the Israeli subs.
And of course, beyond that is the question of what the US will do if Russia and China engage Israel militarily as I've indicated. There is also the issue of what happens if Israel continues its attacks on Syria, which have escalated recently, or if Syria is attacked by the US and Israel because of Hezbollah operations from Syria against Israel. This might force Russia to intervene to prevent its ally Syria from being attacked, which would bring Russia directly against the US.
Russia has already pointedly stated that MiG-31K fighter-bombers armed with Kinzhal missiles are patrolling the Black Sea - those missiles are intended to threaten the two US carrier battle groups already in the region. Russia can sink both aircraft carriers if it has to.
This conflict is likely to heat up over the next couple months and given that the Ukraine military is on its last legs and the Ukraine government is in political chaos as well as being starved of western resources, it is likely that the Middle East war is far more dangerous in terms of a WWIII nuclear war than even Ukraine was.
And there is zero chance that the US or Israel will be dissuaded from continuing its aggression, as Alexander Mercouris analyzed on The Duran the other day, stating that Biden always goes for the aggressive and confrontational approach, as demonstrated by his reiteration of his dictum "Xi is a dictator" nonsense the other day. Not to mention Biden is under the control of neocon fanatics. And of course Israel is led by both Zionist fanatics and a Prime Minister who is facing prison for corruption charges if he doesn't "win the war."
So this isn't going to end with negotiations. As in Ukraine, there is no one to negotiate with. The end game must be determined militarily. Either the Muslim world wins or the US and Israel do. In my view, just as in Ukraine, where it was impossible for Ukraine could defeat Russia, there is no chance the US and Israel can win a Middle East war. All they can do is create massive death and destruction across the region and destabilize everything there for another generation, before being forced to leave. In other words, Iraq and Afghanistan writ large.
And until the forces in the US that drive this approach to the world are destroyed, this will continue. Taiwan and China will be next - another shot at nuclear WWIII. How many rolls of the dice for nuclear WWIII can we do before we hit the jackpot? First Ukraine, now the Middle East, then China.
I know the solution, but there is no one willing to take it. The solution is simple in concept, although difficult in practice: the neocons got's to go. The Zionists got's to go. The US corporate state got's to go. And that means the people controlling these entities need to die.
As ex-SEAL Richard Marcinko wrote, quoting an ancient Chinese general, "Always treat the enemy as the enemy because he will invariably treat you that way." And as William S. Burroughs wrote, "Battles are fought to be won. And this is what happens when you lose."
Thanks Richard - good to see you back. Hope you got your technical problems sorted. Yes, I agree: the neo cons and Zionists have got to go. The world would be a much better place without them.
Just got the tech issues sorted - I think. In fact, I'm thinking of doing an article on my issues to announce my return and deploy a rant about how the entire computer industry is a frickin' disaster. :-)
Thank you very much for this Report. Sometimes it is good for mental health not to ready about this war at any time of the day, but to have a weekly comprehenshion.
Many people here in Germany think this war is about Muslims vs Jews, but they are wrong. Jewish faith has nothing to do with the State of Israel. Most Israeli are none-believers. But they are using biblical texts to jusitfy the ongoing occupation of the Hooly Land.
Jews and Muslims have lived together peacefully for over thousand years in many countrys.
Can't disagree with any of that; at a personal level it is about greed and hubris. Many of these people believe themselves to be invincible but they are beginning to see that they are Not. They do not know what to do and they are panicking. Maybe some are hopeful that if you blow the middle east up in the air, when it falls back to earth the pieces will have landed in places that are favourable to US. I think that's why the experts can't really make any sense of the Western leaders' actions. I love 'Netanpsycho' btw.
Cheers Rob. Thanks for the opportunity to let it out. As 'juliania' wrote at MoA on 17th Nov we need to "Hold fast to what is good" in the face of the gruesome actions of these people and their minions. While I am on the subject of the 'minions', the mass media's collusion with Israel's propaganda is very reminiscent of the Ukraine disinformation process.
In an effort to lighten the mood have you seen Alex Christoforous' hilarious skit on Zelenski's concern over holding on to Adeveyeka?
It was hilarious, but Alex has got to work on his accents. I've been following both Alexes for about six years. They both have interesting, intelligent and entertaining things to offer. I think I'll include some of Alex's discussion on the Maidan 3 thing in my next Update because it shows how inept the Ukraine administration is. The people in the Z regime are used to imitating life rather than living it. You are right, the 'disinformation process' continues and will do so into the future.
This is another "perfect storm" situation driven by neocon fanatics in the US allied with ethnic fanatics in another country - that is, Israel equates to Ukraine.
Until the fanatics in all three countries are driven out, there will be no solution. Unfortunately, only in Ukraine is that likely to happen since Russia will likely drive out the western Ukrainian nationalist fanatics and Nazis.
The Zionists in Israel may be driven out depending on how the war there develops. If Hezbollah enters the war, the US will attack Hezbollah. This will bring in Iran, which is what the neocons are hoping for since they want the US to destroy Iran. Unfortunately for their plans - as usual - Israel and the US will lose the war against Hezbollah and Iran. In the process, Israel will be devastated by Hezbollah and Iranian missiles which will cause the economy to collapse. Israeli forces will be defeated by the 100,000-strong Hezbollah, aided by militias and possibly national armies from other Arab nations.
It is even possible that Turkey, where Erdogan wants to reassert his leadership of the Arab Brotherhood, may enter the war against Israel. If that happens, Israel is doomed as Turkey's military is much larger, better equipped, and the Turks are tough soldiers. The US can not afford to engage Turkey's military, since Turkey is part of NATO, and is not afraid of the US forces in the region. This was explicitly stated back during the Iraq war by Turkish generals when the US was trying to force Turkey not to engage the Kurds in northern Iraq.
The real problem is "The Samson Option". This is where Israel, on the verge of losing militarily, will resort to using its nuclear weapons. The only solution to that problem will be Russia and China. Russia probably knows where Israel's missile sites are located. Russia's Kinzhal hypersonic missiles can destroy those sites with conventional warheads without even leaving the Black Sea, or via missiles fired from Russian submarines in the Med. The remaining problem will be Israel's German-made diesel submarines which are reportedly equipped with cruise missiles armed with nuclear warheads. This might be dealt with by Russian and Chinese attack subs if they can find the Israeli subs.
And of course, beyond that is the question of what the US will do if Russia and China engage Israel militarily as I've indicated. There is also the issue of what happens if Israel continues its attacks on Syria, which have escalated recently, or if Syria is attacked by the US and Israel because of Hezbollah operations from Syria against Israel. This might force Russia to intervene to prevent its ally Syria from being attacked, which would bring Russia directly against the US.
Russia has already pointedly stated that MiG-31K fighter-bombers armed with Kinzhal missiles are patrolling the Black Sea - those missiles are intended to threaten the two US carrier battle groups already in the region. Russia can sink both aircraft carriers if it has to.
This conflict is likely to heat up over the next couple months and given that the Ukraine military is on its last legs and the Ukraine government is in political chaos as well as being starved of western resources, it is likely that the Middle East war is far more dangerous in terms of a WWIII nuclear war than even Ukraine was.
And there is zero chance that the US or Israel will be dissuaded from continuing its aggression, as Alexander Mercouris analyzed on The Duran the other day, stating that Biden always goes for the aggressive and confrontational approach, as demonstrated by his reiteration of his dictum "Xi is a dictator" nonsense the other day. Not to mention Biden is under the control of neocon fanatics. And of course Israel is led by both Zionist fanatics and a Prime Minister who is facing prison for corruption charges if he doesn't "win the war."
So this isn't going to end with negotiations. As in Ukraine, there is no one to negotiate with. The end game must be determined militarily. Either the Muslim world wins or the US and Israel do. In my view, just as in Ukraine, where it was impossible for Ukraine could defeat Russia, there is no chance the US and Israel can win a Middle East war. All they can do is create massive death and destruction across the region and destabilize everything there for another generation, before being forced to leave. In other words, Iraq and Afghanistan writ large.
And until the forces in the US that drive this approach to the world are destroyed, this will continue. Taiwan and China will be next - another shot at nuclear WWIII. How many rolls of the dice for nuclear WWIII can we do before we hit the jackpot? First Ukraine, now the Middle East, then China.
I know the solution, but there is no one willing to take it. The solution is simple in concept, although difficult in practice: the neocons got's to go. The Zionists got's to go. The US corporate state got's to go. And that means the people controlling these entities need to die.
As ex-SEAL Richard Marcinko wrote, quoting an ancient Chinese general, "Always treat the enemy as the enemy because he will invariably treat you that way." And as William S. Burroughs wrote, "Battles are fought to be won. And this is what happens when you lose."
Thanks Richard - good to see you back. Hope you got your technical problems sorted. Yes, I agree: the neo cons and Zionists have got to go. The world would be a much better place without them.
Just got the tech issues sorted - I think. In fact, I'm thinking of doing an article on my issues to announce my return and deploy a rant about how the entire computer industry is a frickin' disaster. :-)
I'll look forward to it.
Thank you very much for this Report. Sometimes it is good for mental health not to ready about this war at any time of the day, but to have a weekly comprehenshion.
Many people here in Germany think this war is about Muslims vs Jews, but they are wrong. Jewish faith has nothing to do with the State of Israel. Most Israeli are none-believers. But they are using biblical texts to jusitfy the ongoing occupation of the Hooly Land.
Jews and Muslims have lived together peacefully for over thousand years in many countrys.
Thanks for you comments and I agree that this conflict is not about religion per se; it's about global politics.
The situation in Gaza stimulates anger and tears. Thanks for the overview Rob.
Two old geezers trying to avoid the legal consequences of their own greed and hubris commit or collude in war crimes.
"On the 12th November and again on the 14th, the Israelis paused operations for four hours..." and continued for twenty hours.
Israel is a terror state, Netanpyscho is a war criminal and the IOF are accomplices, alongside the British MPs that voted against the SNP motion.
Can't disagree with any of that; at a personal level it is about greed and hubris. Many of these people believe themselves to be invincible but they are beginning to see that they are Not. They do not know what to do and they are panicking. Maybe some are hopeful that if you blow the middle east up in the air, when it falls back to earth the pieces will have landed in places that are favourable to US. I think that's why the experts can't really make any sense of the Western leaders' actions. I love 'Netanpsycho' btw.
Cheers Rob. Thanks for the opportunity to let it out. As 'juliania' wrote at MoA on 17th Nov we need to "Hold fast to what is good" in the face of the gruesome actions of these people and their minions. While I am on the subject of the 'minions', the mass media's collusion with Israel's propaganda is very reminiscent of the Ukraine disinformation process.
In an effort to lighten the mood have you seen Alex Christoforous' hilarious skit on Zelenski's concern over holding on to Adeveyeka?
It was hilarious, but Alex has got to work on his accents. I've been following both Alexes for about six years. They both have interesting, intelligent and entertaining things to offer. I think I'll include some of Alex's discussion on the Maidan 3 thing in my next Update because it shows how inept the Ukraine administration is. The people in the Z regime are used to imitating life rather than living it. You are right, the 'disinformation process' continues and will do so into the future.